Chapter 30

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Today was the day. The final triwizarding task. The crowd in the field was massive wizards from all over gather to see who will come out victorious In the challenge.

Music is playing and a large crowd is gathered in the stands. The champions emerge.

"Earlier today Professor Moody placed
the tri-wizards cup deep within the
maze. Only he knows its exact position.
Now as Mr Diggory"

The crowd cheer on hearing his name.

"and Mr Potter tied for first
position they will be the first to enter
the maze. Followed by Mr Krum"

The bulgarian crowd go nuts.

"The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter, if at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she
need only send up red sparks with their
wands. Contestants, gather round."

"In the maze you'll find not dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead you'll face something more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh find the cup if you
can, but be very weary you could just
lose yourselves along the way." Dumbledore states in an attempt to give a pep talk

"Champions! Prepare yourselves." Mad eyed moody shouts

Cedric hugs his father.

"On the count of three... ONE.." The cannon goes off. Mr Filch shrugs comically. Dumbledore groans. Potter and Cedric enter the maze through different entrances.

The maze closes behind potter panics and freaks out and races towards the exit but couldn't leave. Everyone quietens down and no one speaks silence is the only thing heard in the field.

I stare at Draco and he nods. I pray to Merlin that the dark lords return was just a rumour and nothing bad would happen.

A red light shot out of the maze. Screams were heard. A puff of smoke formed by the entrance of maze, potter laying over Cedric. He was screaming.

Teachers rushed to his side asking what happened.

"He's dead!, He's dead!" He was screaming

"That's my son!" Cedric's father was hysterical racing through the teachers that were huddled trying to block the view of the corpse from younger students.

"Lord Voldemort's back!!" Harry screamed before he was pried from the body and taken away by mad eyed moody. "He's back!"

I grabbed Draco's hand and squeezed it. I normally wasn't Afraid of anything but now I was terrified.

People came and covered the body and Cedrics father hand a blanket wrapped around him before he was seated on a chair. Every student formed an orderly line and began to exit the pitch.

I followed closely behind Draco, walking down the steps I look over at the hand that was laying in the ground it wasn't covered by the blanket. It was about white and veiny, dirt under the nails.

Poor Cedric although I never talked to him no one should have to suffer a death by the hand of the dark lord.

Everyone was sent to their dorms. I reached my dorm and sat on the bed. Eclipse hooting made me stand up and walk to the window a letter tied to her leg with my family stamp visible.

Removing the letter I pet her and open it

Dear Melody

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