Chapter 34

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"Did you hear what happened with potter!" Amanda bursts into the common room, I jump and drop my book on master potion making professor Snape had given me and focused my attention on my best friend. I shook my head.

"No why?" She smiles and plops beside me. Clearing her throat, she sits up straight.

"Well you know the way glasses had a detention with dumbridge!"

"Yes what about it?"

"Well apparently she uses a special quill!"

I raise and eyebrow "I still don't see how this is of any interest to me?"

She claps her hand "well apparently the quill drains the users blood and uses it as ink! Potter now has 'I must not tell lies'! Can you believe it? I wonder if it will scar? Get it" she giggles at her attempt to make a joke.

"That's a rather full on punishment for a teacher? Wouldn't she get in trouble for doing such a thing?" I question. She shakes her head and shrug.

"I overheard the golden trio talking this morning Potter was refusing to come forward and confess about the punishment" she says monotonously.

"That's rather stupid" I say with a sigh. Draco entered the room and sat beside me and kissed my head.

"Hello love" his voice deep making me instantly melt into his touch. "How are you?"

I smile and kiss his jaw "I'm good, what about you. How was you're meeting with Snape go?" I raised my eyebrow and he nodded in acknowledgment to my underlying question of how was the dark lord.

"It was fine nothing out the ordinary. It was just tense like always" he smiled down at me "no need to worry" sending me a wink. I giggle before staring back into the fire. I zone out when the rest of my friends enter.

Amanda begins to tell them the latest gossip of the golden trio, I couldn't help but kind of feel bad for potter. Yes he did speak out of term considering dumbridge is a teacher and that's not allowed. But no person should have to deal with that no matter the crime.

We were all interrupted by Professor Snape standing behind us clearing his throat, he stares me right in the eyes and I sit up.

"Melody if you could follow me please Professor umbridge would like a word with you." He scoffs and rolls his eyes "why she couldn't move her own pink puffball-self I'd beyond me: follow" I nod.

Pecking Draco briefly I scurry after Snape and sigh "sir do you have any idea as to why she could possibly want to meet me?"

He draws his eyes together as if thinking rather thoughtfully "perhaps it is due to your outstanding grades? Or Maybe you have simply caught her attention" he walks a bit faster and before I knew it I was outside the pink toads office.

"I wish you the best of luck" Snape says before disappearing down the hall. I sigh and knock on the door.

"ENTER!" Her high pitch squeaky voice caused me to wince. I open the door and stepped into her cat shrine that was creepy on many levels. How could one creature be so infatuated by the colour pink, I refrained myself from gagging.

I stepped into the office and plastered on smile "Professor you wished to speak with me"

She smiles back "Melody dear yes please sit" she stares me up and down I can tell her smiles are completely fake yet I keep up my act. "Would you care for some tea? It one of my to finest blends" she seemed off, she looked nervous like she was trying to conceal something. I briefly glanced down at the two cups she had already pours down. Her looked normal were mine looked off.

My guess was truth serum, by the looks of it I would specifically say it's Veritaserum. I smiled sweetly back "I'm afraid I must decline, I don't really care for tea." This was a complete lie I adored tea and honestly couldn't function without my daily cup "but thank you for the offer"

She seemed taken back and cleared her throat "ah yes of course could I interest you in some water?'or any beverage in particular" I shook my head "no thank you professor I'm good"

She huffed in frustration "Okay" she nods.

I sit up a little and cross my legs and stare her right in the eyes "may I ask why I was Summoned Professor it is after all classes and I havent Broken any school rules" that I was aware of anyway.

"ah yes of course down to business" she sits up straighter "you are one of the best and brightest Slytherin students. I'm putting together a group of the best students to prevent anyone from-" she pauses trying to find the right words "stepping out of line"

I nod "and you want me to be part of this...Group" I blink.

"Heavens no I want you to lead it" I almost wanted to drink water and spit it out.

"Me? Lead it" I pause " but surely there are other student more cable of leading it than me" she gives me a stern look.

"That won't be necessary as you are the perfect candidate"

"Can I have someone co-lead with me?"

She nods "very well you may pick one student but that is it". She bends don and picks something from the bottom drawer and hands me two badges. I looked at them.

"You will be known as the 'Inquisitorial Squad'" I stopped myself from rolling my eyes at the stupid name but nodded nonetheless.

I clipped it on my cloak beside my prefect badge I had also recently received from Snape.

"Now run along"

"Of course professor"

"Once you picked your co-leader you will report to me so I can but a team together understood" I nodded and walked to the door and exited the room. Draco was sitting on the floor outside the office, he had his head resting on his knees, he looked like he was asleep.

"Merlins sake Malfoy can't leave you alone for a second and you start sulking" I joke. He looks up and smiled.

"What can I say I'm hooked" he gives me a toothy grin before I hold my hand out for him. I peck his cheek.

"You didn't have to wait outside on the floor"

He shrugged "I was worried about you being left alone with umbridge. What did she want?"

I cleared my throat "she made me leader of the inquisitorial squad and I have to pick a co-leader so congratulations you just got promoted" I had him the badge and he stares at it.

He chuckle "that's a stupid name"

I roll my eyes "tell me about it", he clips the pin onto his cloak on the opposite side of his prefect badge. He looks up and I stare into his grey orbs. "Well How do I look"

I wink "I've seen better" I giggle and run off down the hall. He realises what I said and begins to chase after me me "just wait til I get you Melody!".

Word count:1207

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