Chapter 61

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"Please L-Let me go" the boy in red and gold robes pleaded for the 6th time. I sit up straighter in my chair and stare down at him, after receiving a letter from the dark lord venting about how things where moving too slowly. I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I was now torturing particular students to get information.

"Will you tell me where potter is?" I smile sweetly. His face contorted in pain as Greyback zaps him once again.

"Never! Go to hell"

I laugh. "So you do know where potter is! Wonderful" I clapped. Finally a break threw. "Leave us!" I snap at the other death eaters.

"Who do you think you are to order me around" the mutt snarled.

I cover my mouth. "Merlin your breath stinks". A tint of red covers his cheeks and he storms out. The boy sighs obviously relieved.

"I knew you where a bitch but this takes it to another level" I raise an eyebrow and stare at the boy.

"You've got balls I'll give you that" I pick up my wand and circle him. "I've been at this school for two and a half weeks now. Students where Resilient at the begin. Now they're all like zombies no one has any opinions"

He spits "isn't that what you wanted"

"Why yes it is dear" I scrape my wand along his cheek. "But you see they're too behaved. Gryffindors may be annoying but they have spirit and loyalties they'd never just quit. So this leads me to believe something big is about to happen" he gulps and his gaze returns to the floor.

"Bingo! So now I know I'm right let's see if the next bit is correct. Is potter coming here?". He doesn't respond.

"Knew it" I twirl and strut out.


"oh hunny your silence was enough" I winked and stormed out.

Students dived out of my way. Ravenclaws had found sanctuary In the library with all the books, while hufflepuffs seemed too scared to leave they're common room.

Gryffindors were silent always whispering, they stayed in plan sight. The court yard. A ploy to show their bravery or how they weren't scared death eaters had taken over. After obviously form a far I noticed how like clockwork a student would disappear and then return again.

"Well I see Ms Queenbee became a death eater" .


"Pansy" I nodded before continuing down the corridor, my heels drowned out the sound of her shrilling voice.

"Does Draco know he's dating a death eater? Is this another pathetic attempt to claim popularity" her smug face scrunched up made her look rather constipated.



"I have killed" she doesn't respond. I look back she's pale. " it was me who came up with the plan to take over Hogwarts" stepping forward and she steps back. "I don't follow normal protocol anymore so." I smirk. "If you have a death wish who am I to deny you?"

"Y-You can't kill me!" She screech's.

"Why not?! You serve no purpose" I walked forward: "you are irrelevant"

She pales. "I'm a pure blood!"

I scoff at her pathetic attempt to save her life. "True but you are no death eater therefore you can be removed"

"P-Please don't I don't want to d-die" she sobs.

I grin wickedly: "I shall consider letting you live. Open your mouth again and you'll regret it"

Knocking on snapes office I walk in. Snape had taken over Dumbledores office when he became headmaster, the room seemed a lot darker now.

"yes melody?" His monotone voice echoed through the room.

"No good morning my once prized pupil?" I place my hand over my heart and wipe away the fake tears. "I'm hurt"

He merely shakes his head. "After all you've been through you still managed to keep your sense of humour"

I walk to the seat in front of the desk and sit down; "how else is one supposed to remain sane around here, to be honest without my sarcasm and fantastic personality I'd probably be crazy by now"

He lifts his eyebrow. "you'd just be going crazy? I thought that already happened"

I Clap. "It would seem you've become quite the comedian yourself"

He massages his temples. "Teaching you for 5 years will do that to a person"

"I choose to ignore the sarcasm and take that as a compliment"

"I figured as much. Now what did you want?"

I snap my fingers: "Ah yes I have learned that something big is about to happen, I believe potter is coming to hogwarts"

Snap sits up straighter. "How did you learn of this?"

I shrug. "Asked a Gryffindor politely"

"Lies but continue"

"I did an excellent job of crushing what little hope they all had but the Gryffindors fell a little too easy. They're always whispering and cohooting with other houses so I just used my brain and put two and two together to make one"

"Mathematically that is impossible" I glared at him. "But I do understand and we must prepare for his arrival inform the others and have them on a high alert. The town will be searched for potter and his friends"

I stand and fake salute. "No problem snapey"

"Please don't call me that"

I grin. "I'll take your request under consideration"

Marching to the hall I see the students already queued up. I walk to the top and stare.

"I know potter is coming" it remained silent. "I do not need confirmation but I'm always right and this time will be no different"

Greyback and the others entered the hall and stood at the back.

"The school is now on lock down" I giggle. "Well it already was but this time it's serious. I want the village checked hourly. Death eaters will patrol the school grounds all night and day. No one gets in or out understood."

"Yes" death eaters responded. When they left I stared at the staff and students: "fear is understandable. Harm only comes to those who seek it, in an effort to become a hero. Cooperate and you'll survive".

I look at the first years who were rattling. She refuses to make eye contact with me instead submerges herself into the side of a boy with black hair. He stands defensively in front of her, I smile slightly before re-focusing.

"You are dismissed"

Word count:1088

My book has 96k!





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