Chapter 37

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Word had spread like wildfire through Hogwarts. Many had heard about my tiff with Blaise, they moved apart when I walked through the hall afraid I was unstable and going to attack if they spoke or something.

Of course the story was censored. I made sure no one knew about the death Eater part they purely believed the argument was based on Blaise saying my mother would be disgusted in me.

Whispers broke out when Blaise entered the hall, people looked around uncomfortably. Sensing the tension, he sat down in his usual seat across from Draco and myself next to Theo.

Draco clenched his fist and Theo moved over a little, I told Draco and the rest the whole story of what happened last night. Draco wanted to kill him, he grabbed his wand when storming out and although I hate him now, I simple told him no.

I ignored his presence and picked up my spoon and continued to eat my cornflakes.

"So how's everyone this morning" Blaise states casually as if it's a normal day. No one speaks, Theo rolls his eyes and the two girls glare at him in fury. "Guys?"

"What" Draco snarls

Blaise's eyebrows shot up, he opened his mouth then closed it. "Dude what's your problem"

Draco glared at him "are you naive or just stupid"

"What?" He questioned

"The way spoke to my girlfriend was unacceptable and if you think it was okay I'll gladly punch your face in right now"

He looks down and the back up to me. "I've tried apologising to her, she won't give me a chance to explain!". I snapped my head up so fast I almost got whiplash.

"How dare you" I whispered out. Everyone's attention automatically turned to me. "You honestly think I want to listen to your pathetic excuse of an apology"

He looked at him with sadness "Melody if you woul-"

"What" I snapped 'if I would let you explain! Guess what I don't care" I snarled. I slammed the spoon down and grabbed my bag, standing up I race out of the hall.

I turn a corner and walk up to the astronomy tower. I dropped my bag and make my way over to the balcony, looking out into the forest I look at the lush green trees. Students plotted all over the place, some under trees others walking along the stone path.

I felt a pit of arms wrap around my waist pulling me into the warmth. I sigh and lean my head back a little.

"You okay love?" He pressed his lips to my temple, I nodded.

"I'm fine dray"

"You positive"

I nod "honestly I am" I look out at the sunset and close my eyes and sigh. "I usually adore drama but not when it's to do with me"

He chuckles "that's always the way love".
I giggle and nod "now let's go get you to the common room". Grabbing his hand we walk to the room in comfortable silence.

"ENOUGH!" He banged his boney hand on the table "I DON'T WANT YOUR PATHETIC EXCUSE GET IT DONE NOW!"

"Of course my lord" he bowed his head and walked off. He looked around at us all and smiled sadistically.

"My loyal followers I have once again decided to recruit new members a year before my reappearance into the world" he chuckles.

He nods to the two death eaters at the door the door opens first to reveal Theo. He looked uncomfortable and dare I say scared, he walked up to the dark lord.

"My lord" he bowed.

"Theodore Nott welcome" he says "give me your left arm you are about to ascend to something greater than yourself". He reluctantly pulled up his shirt and gave his arm.

The burning of flesh filled my nose and I watched Theo groan in pain. Once done the dark lord smiles and pats his shoulder "you are my death eater now. Sit."

I give him a sad smile when he sits across from me. The room is silence one again and the door opens to reveal Blaise. He looked terrified sweat was beaded at the top of his forehead, as he looked around frantically trying to regain himself he walks up to the dark lord.

"M-My lord" he bows, chuckles were heard.

"Welcome, lose the nervous" he spits out "arm" he holds his hands out and Blaise places his arm in his grasp. The dark lord stuck his nails in his forearm, Blaise hissed. Sticking his wand in his arm burning his flesh.

Blaise whined from the pain, chuckles broke out again. Everyone knows not to show weakness no matter how painful it is. Removing his wand, the death eater Mark was visible and surrounded by blood. I visibly winced but quickly regained myself.

Blaise sat next to a death eater who was grinning like a manic.

"Now" their was a pause "that our newest members have joined let's get one thing straight. Disobedience is not tolerated you work for me now" he snarled each word. "Understand"

Everyone nods "yes my lord"

"Good now go"

I grab Draco's hand and walk out, I walk over to Theo and tap his shoulder. He turned around and smiled sadly.

"Hi mel"

Hey Theo you ok"

He shrugs and smiles "I could be worse", I nod and pull him into a hug "Good".

Glancing at Blaise he was getting an ear full from his mother who was scolding him. I felt a tiny bit sorry for him but the other part of me was glad he got what he deserved.

"Let's go love"

"Gladly" I peck his lips and exit the house. We apparate to snapes office. Snape was sitting on the chair looking at us.

"Well how was it" he questions with a raised eyebrow. I sigh and shrug "shit as always sir"

He scolds "Language Melody!"

"Sorry sir" I say while laughing, checking the time I grab Draco's and and lead him out.
"Bye professor" I say waving goodbye.

I pull Draco towards the kitchen with Theo trailing behind us.

"Where are we going?" He asks

"To get food" I say in a 'duh' tone.

He raised his eyebrows "but lunch is over?"

"But the kitchen is still open" I say smiling

"But we can't go"

"Actually we can as I am leader of umbridges private group"

"Oh right" he says

"Moron" I laugh at his face "yea exactly"

Word count:1079

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