Chapter 47

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"What do you mean it's not finished yet" Voldemort snarls at me and Draco. After years away this man really had lost all concept of time, he expected this wardrobe fixed already. Which was an impossible task.

"We're sorry my lord the wardrobe was more damaged than we all anticipated but we'll have it fixed soon" my voice doesn't waver, I refuse to cower before such a disgusting being.

"Soon is not good enough" he smiles sadistically. "You are failing me already"

I shake my head "no my lord I swear we'll work hard"

"Let me give you a little motivation Melody" he stands and points his wand at me. "Crucio". My legs buckle and I collapse on my knees, i grit my teeth shut refusing to give him the satisfaction of me screaming.

The pain was indescribable, pain started shooting up and down my body. I felt like I was on fire, the pain of knives jabbing into my skin. I thought I was going to pass out but I willed myself not to be weak.

After torturing me for what seemed like hours he stopped and walked over to me and lifted my chin.

"I don't tolerate failure" he leans closer. "Next time it's Draco".

My body seizes up, my lips form a thin line as I stare forward at the wall. He exits the room and Draco rushes to my side.

"Love are you alright" his voice barely a whisper, he sounded in pain. I couldn't speak my throat itched preventing me fr responding.

I smile softly and nod. Draco helps me stand my legs begin to shake and I feel myself falling once again. I shut my eyes and wait for the impact that never comes, I open my eyes to see Draco caught me.

He straightens me up before placing his arms under my legs and hoisting me up. He placing a kiss on my forehead and I shove my face in his neck inhaling his sweet smell.

Draco walks to his room and places me careful on the bed. I wince at the contact before relaxing into the covers. Draco stands and hands a glass of cold water, eagerly taking it I gulp it down.

"How are you feeling"


He shakes his head. "I was so scared Melody watching him hurt you knowing I can't do anything to prevent it" His voice cold.

I place my hand on his and look into his stormy grey eyes. "It's not your fault. It was me and my big mouth"

"But I feel so useless Melody what Kind of boyfriend can't even protect the love of his life" his shoulders slump.

I giggle. "I'd rather get tortured a thousand times before I let him hurt you and I too know you'd do the same for me if you could. You're only human Draco and that's fine I wouldn't change you for anything"

He smiles at me. "What if a rich knight in shining armour came on a white horse to rescue you?"

I place my finger under my chin. "How rich are we talking?". He throw a pillow at me and I burst out giggling. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close. "A king could offer me the world and I wouldn't leave you. You have my heart Draco Malfoy"

He smiles at me "and you Melody Robinson have mine since the first day I met" he places his lips on mine gently and one by one my worries slip away like they are nothing and I wonder how did I get so lucky.

Draco's POV

I stare down at the sleeping beauty next to me, she looked so peaceful. Her thick long lashes fluttered every so often, her red lips in a sort of pout. Her long wavy hair scattered all over the pillow surrounded her like a halo.

She truly was the definition of beauty.

Melody had stolen my heart when we first met, she in was so small hiding behind her fathers leg smiling sweetly at me. Her her big doe eyes staring back me caught me in a trance, Her hair done up in in two braids, she wore a knee length blue dress.

Not many kids can say they found there true love at such a young age. I know others will disagree and say it won't last but I'm in it for the long run, I've always seen a future with Melody no matter how much I tried to deny it.

I glance at the clock 9:45 am, on I didn't sleep much last night because of what happen to her. I was too on edge to let my guard down.

"how long have you been awake?".I smile down at Mel to see her eyes peeled open.

"A few hours" I shrug and place a kiss on her forehead. "How are you feeling?". She yawns and stretch's before wincing. I laugh at her attempt to cover up the pain.

"I'm fine Draco honestly"

"Well I don't believe you"

She sighs "of course you don't". I help her sit up, she leans back and closes her eyes. Standing I briskly get dressed throwing on a shirt and dress pants, I brush my teeth and throw on some cologne.

Walking back into the room Melody is still laying there, quietly I exit the room and make my way down stairs.

Mother was sitting in the living room reading the daily prophet, I walk over and place a kiss on her cheek. She smiles up at me.

"Good morning darling, how is melody?"

"She not doing to well do we have anything that can help her heal?" My voice came out deeper than I expected.

She thinks quietly for a few moments before standing disappearing into the kitchen. She enters with a vial and hands it to me. "Here"
I take the clear vial and glance at it. "This will heal melody"

I sigh. "Thanks Mother".

Walking into my bedroom I glance at the bed to see it empty. I look around the room she's no where to be seen. "Love? Where are you?".

"In the bathroom can you grab me a towel I-I forgot a towel" her voice nothing more than a whisper.

"Of course love one second" grabbing a black towel I walk over to bathroom and open the door. I had it in, she groans in pain. "Are you okay"

"I'm fine"

Opening the door it reveals melody in nothing more than a towel. My heart skips a beat as I stare at her. Wet hair sticking to her shoulder, her face flushed.

"Stop staring it's weird"

"It's romantic" I sat while rolling my eyes, I take out the vial and hand it to her. "Drink that it'll heal you"

She opens the vial and downs the contents. Automatically it heals all the scratches and bruises.

"How do I look?" She questions.

"Beautiful as always"

She rolls her eyes "such a charmer"

I wink at her "I try".

She glances at the clock, "let's go get some food we have to head back to Hogwarts Snape is expecting us back at 10:45"

I nod and extend my hand to here which she immediately takes. I smile at her and we begin to descend down the stairs.

She drags me to the dinning hall and squeeze my hand making my smile widen. It was selfish of me to say but I was glad we were in this together. But I guess we always did everything.

Word count :1270

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