Chapter 57

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Wand? Check.

Cloak? Check.

Crippling anxiety? Check.

Nauseous? Check.

It was happening today, the day myself and Draco had thought about for a whole year. The dark lord wasted no time and the death eaters were in fact coming to hogwarts. And there is nothing me, Draco or anyone can do.

"Melody are you okay?"

I smile up at Amanda. It hurt that I wasn't going to be in school after this with them all. I was going to miss out on things. I'm aware my school experience wasn't anything 'normal' but I still wanted to complete it.

"Of course why?"

A small frown falls on her lips. "You just seem distracted that's all".

Daphne snorts. "She's probably thinking about Draco".

I giggle. "You caught me"

That wasn't technically a lie. I haven't seen Draco since yesterday. I knew he was fine after the whole potter incident. He was nervous that much I knew heck this was too much pressure for to teenagers.

"We'll go find lover boy then, we'll catch up at dinner" they smiled at me and my heart ached. I'd never get to go to dinner with them, this very well could be the last time I see them for all I know.

"I love you guys". I pulled them into a joint hug. They both laughed.

"We love you too mel now go find your Prince Charming". I look back at them as I walk to the door. I give them a small wave before slipping through and walking up that spiral staircase.

I began my trek to the room of requirement. Where Draco more than likely was, the halls seemed to be extra bare today, most students outside sitting on the grass enjoying the warmth of the sun. The door appeared and I swing it opened before closing it gently behind me.

"Draco?" I yell out. "Are you in here".

There was shuffling and a familiar face came into view. "Hi love weren't you with the girls?" A small frown covers his face. I sigh and shrug lightly.

"I couldn't focus. I'm too stressed besides it hurts sitting there listening to them make plans with me and I'll never be able to attend" I stare up at the ceiling. "This sucks" I mutter out.

He chuckles. "indeed"

"Like for family legacy I would've excepted a ring maybe a chain passed down for some ancestor but no my legacy was to become a death eater" my shoulders sag "that's messed up."

I stare into his eyes. "I know Melody but we can't change the past. we have to just make it through this"

"We shouldn't be making it through, our lives are passing us by!" I huff.

He grabs my chin. "One day we'll be free and I'll take you all over the world"

"Promise" I pout.

"I promise" he smiles. The bell rang out through out the building, glancing out the window it was 12 o'clock. Five hours of waiting left.

"I suppose I may go scout where Dumbledore and potter are" he kissed my cheek. "See you soon love"

"Bye" I whisper out.

We stood in front of the wardrobe. I didn't feel anything which was weird, there was the smallest bit of guilt nibbling away at my gut. People would hate me for this. I knew that much.

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