Chapter 22

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Typically the class was half full, students were still enter but all the eager students were seated upfront. These were the students couldn't wait for the teacher to start class so they could begin to fill up their pages that had been laid out perfectly.

"Alastor Moody, Ex Auror" he scribbled something on the blackboard before looking back to us "Ministry malcontent and your new defence against the dark arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me end of story, goodbye. Any questions?"

Everyone remained silent and he continued his speech "when it comes to the dart arts I believe in a practical approach but first which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are"

Granger put her hand up "three sir"

"And they are so named"

"Because they are unforgivable the use of anyone of them could get you-"

"one way ticket to Azkaban correct. Now the ministry believes you are to young to see the effect of these curses, I think different" he shouts the last two words of his sentence "you need to know what you're up against! You need to be prepared" he turned to the board once again "find somewhere else to place your used chewing gum Mr Finnigan!"

"Bloody hell he can see through the back of his head"

"Which curse will you's see first. WEASELY!"

Weasely shot up shaking "y-yes"

"Give is a curse" moody asks

"Well my dad did tell me about one the Imperius Curse"

"Hmm" Moody hums in approval "your father would know about that curse caused a bit of a problem for the ministry years ago. And I'll show you why"

He hobbled up to his desk and removed a lid off one of the containers and removed an insect and placed it on the desk. He caused it to grow before saying "Imperio" and flinging the spider on a table of one of the Gryffindorks.

The spider then jumped on Goyles face and he froze up and tried not to freak out "it's fine completely harmless"everyone burst out laughing at Goyle before it jumped once again but to a set of twins this time.

"Talented isn't he" moody began to laugh like a manic "what shall I do next throw him out the wind, drown herself?"

Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding under the influence of the lmperius Curse.
But here's the rub: How do we sort out the liars? Another, another. Up, up. Come on. Longbottom, is it? Up. Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology.

"There's the....The Cruciatus Curse" Longbottom drags out his sentence as if he's unsure of his answer

"Correct, correct. Come, come.Particularly nasty.The torture curse. Crucio!" Moody watched the bug scream in pain while Longbottom went three shades whiter and started to hyperventilate

"Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him? Stop it!" Granger shouted

"Perhaps you could give us the last Unforgivable Curse, Miss Granger.No?" He looked me straight in the eye I think I couldn't really tell due to his fake one "Robinson you"

"The killing curse" I say boredly

"Correct.Avada Kedavra!"he kills the bug The Killing Curse Only one person is known to have survived it and he's sitting in this room."

Of course he'd bring up saint potter

"He's mental" Draco exclaims

"No he just a bit theatrical I think"

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