Chapter 38

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"This is unacceptable Miss Robinson! I placed you in charge of this group so I'll could keep students In line and yet Mr potter has managed to get away with Merlin knows under your watch" umbridges face scrunches up in an unflattering manner as she continues to lecture me.

I glance at the cat clock I've been her for 20 minutes listening to this, I'm completely famished. I wonder if Draco saved me some chicken?

"Miss Robinson are you even listening!" I snap my head back and nod. "Of course professor I was just thinking of a way to catch potter in his lies" I say sweetly with a smile.

"Do share"

"I'd rather leave it as a Surprise but don't worry everything is under control"

She stares before glancing at the clock "you may go"

"Thank you professor" I face the door and roll my eyes. I dusted my skirt out and opened the door.

"Don't fail me I don't like students who fail"

I glanced over my shoulder "I don't do failure. Have a nice day professor"

Speed walking away from her office, I rush to the Slytherin common room. I walked through the door and into the fire lit room. Looking around I froze at the site before me.

My blonde boyfriend sitting on the chair with pugface sitting on his lap straddling him. I felt my heart freeze over, my jaw locked, my eye sight filled with a red rage. I hadn't realised have tight i was holding my wand until I looked at my knuckles that were white they were clenched that tight.

I drop my bag on the floor with a large bang causing pugface to jump and face me. Her once smirking face turn to a frown, her face paler now as she looks at the fury in my eyes.

"I'm going to count to three" my voice deep full of power "and by the time I'm finished you better be of his lap or you will be attending the funeral of your parents and yourself tomorrow morning"

She gulped and scramble out of the room

"You are an asshole Draco an asshole" I spit every word "out of everything you could've done that was spiteful and with Parkinson as well what were you hoping to accomplish? I thought you loved me?" There was no reply, l walked closer to him "ANSWER ME! Tell me why I'm not good enough for you to stay loyal tell me why I'm not enough" I hit his chest over and over again until I felt the wet tears stain my face.

I was crying. I hadn't cried since my mother's death. I never thought I'd be crying over Draco of all people. I wiped my tears and looked into his grey eyes my hand reached out and I cupped his face and stared into them.

His eyes weren't grey they were completely white. I froze he didn't do it purposely he was under a spell. "That bitch" I snarled. I began to mutter a spell under my breath, I placed a kiss upon both of his eyes. He opened them once again and they were now their beautiful grey colour. I smiled.

"Mel I'm so sorry! I would never get let her do that, I was under a spell you have to believe me!" He pleaded. I sighed and kissed his lips softly.

"I'm the one that should be sorry Draco I-I chose to see the worst when I should've know myself you never would've done that to me." I looked down at my folded hands "I'm a terrible girlfriend"

He pulled me close "the way you reacted was how you'd expect anyone to react. Just know I'd never do anything like that"

"I know" I whisper

"I love you so much mel" he touches my cheek.

"I love you too Draco" I place a kiss on his lips and melt away. I pull apart to get some oxygen on my lungs.

"So what now?"

I crack my knuckles "I'm going to kill a bitch"

I walked through the hall in search of pugface. When fist clenched students stepped aside, I spotted her with Millicent and some other girl.

When I reached her I spun her around so she was facing me. She noticeably shrunk away from me.

"G-Get your hands off me Robinson" I have her a sadistic smile. Before squeezing her shoulders tighter, she whines pathetically at how tight I'm holding her.

"Wanna repeat that" I snarl out. She shakes her head and begins to shake. "That's what i thought"

"I'm s-Sorry I didn't mean it yesterday it was meant to be a joke"

"A joke" I snap "you call almost destroying a relationship a joke" I growl out "and when I kill you I'll say it was a joke" she shrinks back into the tree. She noticeable gulps.

I step back and was about to walk away before she mutters something under her breath.

"If you've got something to say speak up pugface"

She winces "I said you are just insecure that he's going to realise I'm better and leave you" she spits out. I smile.

"You're not better than me. Like I mean look at me and look at you" I place a hand on my hip "you've been jealous of me since first year. Because of Draco, because of my status, wealth, power, Influence" I pause "you envy me you want to be me and it sickens you because gosh you know you are never going to be me" Her face is red "so don't try to compare yourself to me because darling I'm in my own league" I say sassily.

I spin on my heels and begin to walk away. She shoots a spell at me but I easily deflect. I smile and walk towards her holding my hand out and touched her face.

"Since everyone calls you pugface Parkinson I think it's only fitting you look like a pug no?" And like that her face transforms into a dog. Her nose shrinks back into her face.

A sob escapes her lips and everyone burst out laughing. Even the two girls that were beside her laugh. Amanda and daphne appear by myside.

"Don't test me Parkinson I will ruin you with a snap of my fingers"

She sprints off sobbing. Amanda slaps my shoulder as she tried to catch her breath, "you are so evil Melody"

I shrug "she lucky I could've done worse but at least I've proven a point"

"what point?" Daphne asks

"That no one is to mess with me or what's mine" I flick my hair over my shoulder and begin to walk back inside with the girls in either side of me.

I'm done being nice

Word count:1138

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