Chapter 15

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Draco was laying in the infirmary on the bed. Theodore and Blaise has just come in and we're standing beside me, Madam Pomfrey insisted he was well enough to go but Draco obviously refused to move.

"But my arm still hurts your supposed to be a nurse do something"

She sighs "Mr.Malfoy I understand you're going to be in a bit of pain for the next 12 hours but then the potion will kick in and you will be back to your old self now off with you all. I believe I have a bone to grow"

With that she abandons Draco and goes over to mend potters missing bone

"For merlins sake what a stupid nurse! Leaving me for Potter." Draco whined before crossing his arms and Declaring "My Father Will hear about this!"

I rolled my eyes "merlins sake Draco enough with the theatrics let's go"

"But mel-"

"No! Slytherins won the match because of you so stop moping about and we're going to celebrate with the rest of our house like we should be doing right now" I glare "understood"

He nods meekly "understood"

Standing up I help Draco stand. He looks up and smiles at me before briefly looking over at Potter.

"What on earth is Dobby doing here?"

I look over and see the familiar little elf sitting beside potter shaking profusely

"I don't know did your father send him?"

He shakes his head "no father would have mentioned it in a letter" Draco turned and didn't say anything

"Aren't you going to say anything?"

"No I'll wait until I'm home then I'll mention it"

"Good idea"

Draco looks at me "so what happen to the rogue buldger?"

I shrugged "I don't know I left with you before it was taken care of but if it wasn't for Potter hitting your broom you wouldn't have need to come here in the first place!"

"Calm down mel I'm fine"

"Well you got lucky" I scoff

"You're my lucky charm Robinson" he winks at me

I blush red "shut it Malfoy"

Grabbing his hand and dragging him to our common room. Where everyone was waiting for us. Entering the common room Flint stand and claps for Draco making him smirk.

Bloody show off

"Well done Malfoy for catching the snitch and winning us the game!" Everyone clapped "Slytherin party will be on tonight at 8pm sharp no one from other houses only Slytherin unless there hot fellas! Now get back to class"

I went upstairs and changed my Quidditch uniform into my regular uniform. I see eclipse perched on the window with a letter in her neck.

Grabbing it I open the letter with my family seal

Dearest Melody

Well done on your out-standing performance in Quidditch today.

Although your mother almost had heart failure when she heard you were joining the team. I managed to calm her and she's now okay with it darling just be safe.

I'm extremely proud of you darling. I knew you'd make it onto the team you always have been perfect at everything you try.

See you soon
Your father

I smiled down at the letter received from father and placed it on my night stand before giving eclipse a treat and heading down stairs again.

Seeing Draco talk to Theo and Blaise, I leave him and go talk to Daphne and Amanda who are smiling at me and motioning me to come over.

"Melody that was brilliant you scored so much!"

"Yea you never told us you were that good at Quidditch" Amanda chimes in

I shrug "my father and Lucius taught me and Draco today when we were really young I guess you could say I instantly fell In love with flying"

Daphne sighed "you're lucky me and my younger sister Astoria wanted to learn to fly but mother thought it was completely out of the question because it was how young lady's behaved"

Amanda snorted "sounds like a regular high class family to me"

"But Melody is part of one of the highest pure blood families and she was still allowed to" daphne whines

"Daph my best friend was a boy and my dad talked my mam into letting me play Quidditch"

She folds her "I suppose so"

I thought for a second before speaking "I could teach you to fly if you like?"

She squealed "merlin!! Really"

"Yea if you want to"

"You're amazing melody!"

I flipped my hair "I try" Feeling a poke on my shoulder I turn and see Draco looking down smiling.

"Hey dray"

"You coming we've got potions now"

I nod and stood up and followed him to class with our little group, Amanda and Theo kept blushing at each other it was clear they liked each other.

The Gryffindors were already on the class sitting slumped on their chairs. We entered and took our places and Snape entered

"Mr.Malfoy congratulations on catching the snitch for your amazing act of ambition I aware you 6 points"  he paused "unfortunate to the Gryffindors just proves luck isn't everything" He placed his book down and flicks it open with his wand "go to page 325 and read"

"Well done to both teams today in the Quidditch matches each team put in an exceptional effort!" Dumbledore

I see Snape roll his eyes that teacher is my metaphorical spirit animal

"The feast can begin well done Slytherin" Everyone dug in I seen some Gryffindors sneer at us. Draco was busy declaring how he single handily won the game for us but I pinched him and he stopped gloating.

After dessert potter rushed out with his two disciples trailing after him.

"Where'd potter go?" I heard Nott ask the group

"Apparently a student just got petrified like the caretakers cat Ms Norris"

"Really?" I question

They nod "Potter obviously has to be the hero so he's probably going to save the day again" Draco snorts

"Bloody git always craving attention"

I roll my eyes at Draco "oh hush you're just jealous you're not getting the praise and attention from the teacher, instead of potter"

His cheeks heated up "be quiet Melody"

Everyone burst out laughing at us "you two are adorable can you just date already seriously" Amanda exclaimed loudly. Myself and Draco locked eyes before blushing and turning away

Maybe one day

Word count :1059

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