Chapter 49

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The light shining through the window was overwhelming, squinting i try my best to sit up but I immediately regret it. A searing pain shoots through my head followed by a wave of nauseousness.

Jumping up I sprint to the en-suite bathroom and hurl the alcoholic contents from my stomach. Groaning I shakily stand and look at the Mirror, I wince. My brown hair knotted and sticking up in all directions.

"Never drinking again" I mutter under my breath.

"Lieing is a sin love"

Turning around I see Draco leaning against the door frame with his hair messy in only his boxers and a white T-shirt.

"how did you get here?" I furrow my eyebrows together.

He chuckles before walking in and wrapping his arms around me. "Well" he kisses my head. "This gorgeous girl got badly drunk and I being the gentleman I am took this beautiful girl to her room and put her to sleep and she refused to let me leave" I flush a little bit before smiling up at him.

"She's a smart girl" I wink up at him.

"That she is" I giggle, he leans down to kiss me but I swerve my head. "No way I just puked you are not kissing me"

He whines "fine brush your teeth I'll be back later"

"Bye" Sighing I begin to strip and turn on the shower before hopping in. Wrapping a White fluffy towel around me, I turn off the shower and exit the bathroom, my feet pad along the cold wooden floor.

Grabbing my clothes I throw them on quickly and throw my hair in a ponytail. Descending down the stone staircase I enter the common room and walk over by the fire.

"Hey Mel"

Turning I lock eyes with Amanda "hey Mandy where did you go to bed last night?"

Her face flushes and she sits on the sofa. "well after I passed out on the chair Theo kinda carried me to his bed"

"What!" I exclaim

"Stop you were in the room with Draco and he didn't want to risk walking on anything" she shoves her face into her hand. "Nothing happened so don't worry"

I stared at her "so do you like Theo?"

She shrugs. "I don't know if I like him yet he makes me laugh a lot I just thought about him like that"

I giggle "you've got a crush on Theo that's adorable"

"Mel stop it" she whines

"Amanda and Theo sitting in a tree
K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love. Second comes marriage. Then comes a baby in a carriage" She goes beat red.

"Mel your killing me" I wink at her.

"You love me"

She sighs "that I do"

"It didn't work!" Draco huffs out frustrated "he didn't drink the wine! And we are running out of time"

I place my hand on his shoulder "it's fine Draco everything will be okay"

His shoulders slump "were screwed Melody who are we kidding"



"We're not screwed I refuse to believe that" I rest my head on his shoulder. "We're good people Draco with just messy lives"

He snorts "understatement"

Standing up I pace back and forth, looking around I see something sparkly catch my attention. Walking in it's direction I pick up the necklace.

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