Chapter 2

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After weeks of anticipation it was finally the day.I was going to Hogwarts. Mother had helped me pack my belongings and school supplies.

I had owled Draco last night and told him I'd meet him at the train station so we could sit together, fixing my clothes and hair, I grab my wand and made my way to the entrance hall.

"Ready to go sweetheart"

"Yes father"

He nodded at my mother and we all left to go to the station, I seen the Malfoy's and me and Draco hugged.

"I can't believe we're attending Hogwarts today!"

"Me too I'm definitely going to be in Slytherin"

I nodded my head "me too mother and father where in Slytherin"

"Okay children lets start making our way to platform 9 and 3/4"

We both turned and looked at my father funny "what? There's no such thing as 9 and 3/4"."We said simultaneously.

Lucius chuckles "this way children"

We followed behind Lucius as he walked through the wall with the other adults trailing behind me and Draco froze, I turned to him.


He nods "together"

I grab his hand and close my eyes and we run through the wall I get a tingle shoots through my body, Hearing talking and shouting, I peak my eye open.


It was packed of students of all ages and a massive train the legendary Hogwarts express.

"Okay Melody darling you have all your belongings? Your wand? Or what about your robes?"

I laugh at my mother "yes mother I have everything including midnight"

"Ok" she sighs

I hug her and my father "were incredibly proud of you darling don't forget to write when you get into Slytherin and every time you get a chance". my mother pecks my cheek before giving my father a second.

"I want you to promise you'll be good and remember your name and who you are ok" I nod "and stay  friends with Draco and stay away from before below you do you understand" And there it was my fathers superiority

"Of course father I promise"

He smiled and kissed my father head "good luck sweetheart"

"Bye mother, bye father" I turn to the Malfoy's "Bye Cissa, Bye Lucius"

Boarding the train me and Draco enter a empty room I take a seat and he sits beside me. I grab his hand and he smiles

"Are you okay mel?"

I shrug "I'm nervous dray what if I don't get into Slytherin?" My face pales

"Mel you will"

"But if I don't you won't be friends with me anymore!"

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