Chapter 44

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Harry Potter
the Half Blood Prince

Year 6

Diagon Alley, Once again was over crowded with witches and wizards walking in and out of shops going about their carefree life's. Although the dramatic return of the dark lord had caused some distress most people claimed it to be a lie. But you couldn't really blame them the ministry bad done an exceptional job pretending he hadn't returned keeping the wizard population completely oblivious.

We'd come to pick up some school supplies but more importantly to visit the twin wardrobe the dark lord wanted us to fix.

It was magically linked to the one located in hogwarts which is the reason the dark lord wants us to mend it. I felt a sense of déjà vu as I walked hand in hand with Draco, he hasn't said much since we left the manor, he just looked mad.

Many people parted out of our way and I looked around and spotted the golden trio deep in conversation. I pulled Draco down towards knockturn alley so we could disappear before they seen us.

"What's wrong love"

I shrug "I seen the golden trio", he nods and we continue to Borgin and Burke's. The shop was a plain green colour with large glass windows outside. The gold writing was average the shop wasn't anything special.

I shivered and looked around. I felt as tho I was being watched. I tried to shake it off and proceeded into the shop after Draco and Narcissa.

"Ahh Narcissa how lovely to see you and who might these two be"

I looked Mr. Borgin up and down, his hair disheveled and greased. His receding hair line made me want to laugh but I kept myself composed. He was dressed in a black turtle neck and a suit jacket and pants with black shoes. His breath had a rather disgusting smell as he step closer to me.

He was staring at me deeply, I began to feel uncomfortable and took a step back. Draco stepped forward and stood in front of me.

"Enough of this pointless chit chat let's get to the real reason we came here" his voice was strong but husky, he wasn't in the mood for games that much was clear as I observed him glare at the man.

"E-Eh yes of course Mr.Malfoy" Borgin stuttered like a moron. We continued inside and followed him inside. He removed a blanket and the wardrobe appeared it was brown with metal locks on the front.

"The wardrobe you requested was moved out of storage" Draco nodded and walked towards it he looked it up and down before opening it.

"Perfect have it transported to Malfoy manor"

"Of course Sir will that be all?"

"Yes" His answer short and clipped. He held out his hand for me which I took he kissed my cheek and we exited the shop.

"Okay I have something's to pick up myself so I'll see you to at home" Narcissa said. We both nodded and part ways. I watch her fade and notice potter and the other two stare at us from a roof. I grab Draco's hand and pull him.

Things had changed over the summer, the dark lord had taken control of Malfoy's manor. Death eaters roamed around everywhere.

The wizarding world had went into utter chaos since the dark lords appearance. Fudge was on the verge of a mental breakdown reports stated while Dolores was arrested for crimes against the school.

"What was that for?"

"Were being watching by potter And the others they seen us in Borgin and Burke's" Draco cursed "we need to be more careful" he nods.

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