Chapter 26

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After many hours of pulling my wavy hair up to look presentable and poking my eye with the mascara almost ruining my eyeshadow in the process. I was finished, my dress was floor length with a slit. The bodice was sparkly with black sequins while the arms were laced with sequins designs.

It fit perfectly i mentally reminded myself to thank cissa later for getting me the dress.

It fit perfectly i mentally reminded myself to thank cissa later for getting me the dress

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I twirled in the mirror before exiting my room and closing the door behind me. Draco was standing against the wall staring off down the hall. My shoes clicking on the wooden floor caught Draco's attention he turned to look my way.

His black suit clean and crisp. His hair neatly swept to the side little pieces of blonde hair falls over his face. He looked picture perfect.

"Hey" I say before striding in front of him.

"Hey" he takes me in "Love you look ravishing" I felt blush creep on to my cheeks, I smile at him.

"You don't look too bad yourself dray" I wink at him. He chuckles a little before shaking his head. Music could be heard from upstairs as the band began to play.

"We should be heading down stairs" he extended his hand. To which I gladly took, we made are way to the top of the Stairs.

"It doesn't matter how much times I do this I always feel like I'm going to trip" Draco's hand tightened around mine.

"I would never let that happen"

We descend down the steps, everyone paused and looked at us. Cissa and Lucius stood in the centre of the room, Cissa with a smile and Lucius with his usual stern face. Many whispers broke out through out the room something I was used to.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs we both glided along the floor to the centre of the room. A new song began to play and I place my hand on his shoulder while he placed a hand on my waist.

"I've always hated dancing" Draco whined

"But you're so good at it" I tease

"Because our parents forced us to participate in dance lessons"

I giggled "oh shush you loved dancing with me even back then"He pulls me closers after I twirl "what can I say you had me hooked since day one

I dipped down low and was pulled back up. Our noses touching the room broke out in applause, I turn and nod my to the crowd before making my way to Cissa.

"Dear you look beautiful"

"Thank you Cissa as do you" she was wearing an emerald green dress that hugged her figure nicely there is a scattered designs over the bodice. Her hair down in loose curls with to pieces of hair pinned up. She has Lucius wearing a matching green tie that blended perfectly.

"Oh stop dead, I have to say you and Draco are looking rather cosy?" I coughed a little "has something happened"

Draco appears beside me "'mother must you pester Melody"

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