Chapter 5

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"Draco come on I want a butterbeer" I stomp my foot rather childishly

"Ok Melody I'm coming" he laughs

As we enter and I grab us a table while Draco order two butterbeers, Weasley and granger walk in shortly after and sit down across from us

Draco returned and sat down "here you go mel"

I give him a toothy grin before gulping down my drink, Draco laughs at me I place the cup down and stare at him he's watching me like a hawk


"Nothing mel nothing"

"Ok" I say but it sounds like of a question



"Thank you for being my friend" I giggle at him

"Of course dray I'm always here for you" tilt my head a little, he gives me a smile, I hear a gag noise and look across the ginger boy who's staring at us

How childish

Draco clenched his fist I grabbed his hand and smiled 'it's okay I mouth' he simply nodded

"Let's go mel"


Standing up I grabbing my cloak I walk over to the place where they were sitting I begin to speak my mind

"That was extremely childish even for you Weasley"

"Well sorry for ruining you romantic date with Malfoy"

"My what?"

"Your date Robinson for merlins sake are you deaf"

"I wasn't on date with Draco I don't like him like that" my cheeks tint a shade of pink

"Robinson don't lie to yourself everybody see the way you look at each other, you are both know as the prince and princess of Slytherin"

I was gobsmacked I turned to leave before granger touched my shoulders "it's okay to love you know"

"It's best not to intrude on ones personal life granger" I shrug her off before exiting and looking for Draco

He was leaning against a wall staring off into the sky, he looked incredibly handsome my face heated up I shouldn't be thinking of him like this he's my best friend?

Maybe Weasley was right maybe I do have a crush on Draco

"Come on dray lets go"

His eyes lit up and he grabs my hand And I feel tingles for the millionth time

I've a crush on my best friend

Arriving back at Hogwarts I leave Draco for a while to go write to Cissa as I promised my mother I would do

Dear Narcissa

I hope you and Lucius are doing well? Draco is doing good  and is preforming well in his studies in case you were wondering

I miss you all terribly

Slytherin is good so far and everyone is polite to the best of there ability

Cissa I've been having these feelings lately and I'm unsure on what to do? Please don't tell mother but I'm confused Cissa really I am

I do hope you reply

Much love


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