Chapter 3

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After dinner the Slytherin prefects called all firsts to follow with professor Snape following behind to make sure no one tried to sneak off.

"Welcome first year Slytherins"

There was a brief silence before Snape coughed letting everyone know he was here instantly there was a choir of 'hey's' and 'Hello's'

"Slytherin dormitories our located in the dungeons of Hogwarts, girls and boys will all be in separated rooms no boys or girls are permitted to share a bed together.

The Slytherin password changes every night so each of you will have to check the password before and after entering the common room, The password today is 'pureblood'"

Draco smirked "rather fitting isn't it?" I giggled and nodded agreed with him, walking on the common room was breathtaking

The walls decorated with green and silver Slytherin banners a large open fire located on the right wall a series of sofas and tables and chairs along with a bookcase. Salazar Slytherins portrait was hanging above the fire place the common room screamed elegance and sophistication

Professor Snape entered and everyone turned to face him "The dorms have an enchantment on the to prevent girls and boys entering their dorms I expect all of my students to gain house points and not have them removed or there shall be consequence" we all nod "good I wish for you all to go to your dorms your time tables shall be supplied in each room along with your belongings good night"

"Goodnight professor"

Bidding Draco and the boys a goodnight I enter my room to see 3 beds one for myself , a girl named Amanda and another called daphne

We all chatted for a bit before I pulled out a quill and piece of paper and began to write to my parents

Dear mother and father

I am delighted to say that I have been sorted into Slytherin! I am so happy because Draco as to been sorted into the same house.

All the other students are rather pleasant along with the staff, I had a rather strange encounter to day I met Harry Potter he's a rather unusual character as he pliantly disregarded my name for some Weasley?

But I suppose he's been living with muggles

Other than that things are good, I'm rather looking forward to classes tomorrow, I do hope you and father and well.

I miss you both terribly

Much love

Your daughter


Giving my letter to midnight I give her a treat and she flies off. Blowing out my candle I climb into my bed I fall into a dreamless sleep

I wake up at 7:07 am I make my way to the showers I quickly wash myself before preforming a hair drying charm, Spraying perform in my uniform I leave my hair down and place my green and sliver head band in my hair before grabbing my satchel and wand.

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