Chapter 10

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My shoes hit the cobble stone floor of the train station as I briskly walk to keep up with my mother. Father had been called away on business so he wouldn't be here to see me off.

I was upset but this wasn't anything out of the ordinary so I chose to not let it upset me too much. Walking through the wall to platform 9 and 3/4, I get a familiar rush of excitement.

The platform was once again packed full people ready to go back home. Glancing around I see the nervous group of first years huddle together over in a certain area.

I face my mother and smile

"Excited dear?"

"Yes mother I can't wait to see all my friends"

My mother smiles warmly at me she kisses my forehead before she waved her wand and my trunk is placed on the train and midnight is put with all the other owls.

"That's good dear, all your belongings have been packed if you realise you've forgotten something just owl and I'll send it to you okay"

I nod, I say goodbye to my mother before I hear a familiar person call my name, Draco standing there smiling at me with Narcissa waving me to come over.

Draco had somewhat matured over the summer. His hair was still gelled but it wasn't has 'stuck to his head' as previous years, he was a little bit taller not by much but I noticed.His voice wasn't has high pitched either.

I waved back at my best friend and strolled over "hi Draco" I pulled him into a hug and then hugged Cissa "was Lucius unable to come as well?"

Narcissa nodded "I'm afraid so you know men and there work" Draco pouts a little

I giggle "yes I suppose"

"Are you all set for this year Melody"

"Yes I'm looking forward to it although I dislike our new defence against the dark arts professor"

She raised an eyebrow "Gilderoy Lockhart?" She questions

"Yes he's rather full of himself not to mention a complete fraud"

Cissa giggles "I suppose that is true dear"

The train whistle blows signalling all to bored the train. Draco turns to his mother and pecks her check and hugs her briefly before turning to me. I hug Cissa quickly before grabbing Draco's hand and pulling him into the train I find an empty compartment and pull him inside.

After a few moments there's a knock on the door sliding open Amanda and daphne stand before me smiling

"Melody!" They Both shout at the same time "we've missed you" daphne says pulling me into a hug

"I've missed you girls too"

They come in and sit beside me, Goyle, Crabbe, Nott and Zabini. Entered the compartment shortly after filling the max capacity of 8 people per room, We all chatted and everyone spoke about there summers and events they were forced to go to

Another knock on the door silenced everyone, it was pugface standing there with all that ugly it seems she too had changed over the summer. Hair shorter nose more pressed in towards her face and voice is more than likely squeakier than last year

"Hi everyone" everyone simply stared

"Hi drakie poo" she made a rather unattractive face at Draco it looked like she was in a great deal of pain "Can I sit beside you?"

Draco shook his head rather quickly "no" he blurted out

"What do you mean no" she whined

I turned to her "he means no as we've reached our capacity and can't hold another 3 people"

"Merlins sake Robinson are unable to count there are only 2 extra people"

I shrug "I can count, theres you, Millicent and you're Annoying rather dull personality"

Amanda slapped a hand over her mouth to not laugh, while daphne giggled the boys however full on laughed, Pugface glared at me while I merely smiled and winked at her she stormed out leaving Millicent who started laughing

"Merlin that was awesome thank you for that you made my day!"


"Oh I've got to go bye" she waved and ran after pansy

"That was amazing melody"

"Yea look at you changing"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

"Well last year you were a little bit sassy but now you're full on I pity anyone who gets on your bad side" I smile

"I love how long your hair has gotten Melody"

It's true my hair that was once mid back was after growing to just above my waist but my hair was wavy so if it was straighten it probably would reach my waist. I hadn't changed that much over the holidays I had indeed lost the baby fat from my face giving me a more defined look, I grew a little bit not much no make an actual difference and I had grown in other places a bit more. I suppose I do look more mature.

"I was thinking maybe I should cut it so it's back to my mid back?"

"No" Draco blurted out and his cheeks turn rosey

"No?" I questioned

"Yea I mean your hair looks lovely long and well I like it"

I giggled at him "ok" The boys make kissing noises at Draco and he glares and them all. Turning my attention to the world outside of the train

We pull into the train station outside of Hogwarts. Stepping off the train I see Granger stood on the platform by herself looking rather miserable and there was no sign of Weasley or potter

"Where's Potter?"

"Hopefully he's been expelled" he shrugs

"One can only dream"

I look at all the small first years so small and scared. We had the extremely shy ones trailing at the back as to not draw attention to themselves while the confident ones upfront.

Most definitely pure bloods

"They look like a bunch of misfits" Draco says

I playfully hit him "well that wasn't very nice Draco"

He shrugs "I'm not a nice person"

I giggle "well that's a lie come on let's go adventure awaits!"

Word count: 1019

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