Chapter 21

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I was giddy something I haven't been in years. Draco had confessed his love for me and on top of that he'd kissed me. I was happy but although I'd basically got the guy of my dreams there's still doubt in the back of my mind.

We've been friends for 11 years, I met him at the age of 3. Mother was best friends with cissa and they had reconciled after a dispute they had a few years prior.I can't remember much of our first encounter as I was so young.

But I do Remember laughing a lot that day, my heart clenched and fear began to seep into my subconscious. The fear of us not working and me losing him.

Was that honestly a risk I was willing to take? If we make this work we good be set for the long run, and that makes me smile. There's always going to be that doubt it's up to me if I want to take the chance.

Skipping down the stairs Draco is standing there waiting for me with his usual smile. He looks at me and his eyes light up, he pushes himself off the wall and walks towards me.

"Hi Mel"

"Hi dray" my voice low

"So I was wondering if you want to go to hogsmede with me? Like on a d-date"

"Dray i don't know"

He gives me his puppy dog eyes and grabs my hands "please Melody give me a chance" I close my mouth and think before muttering a quiet "okay"

He kisses my cheek and I go red "let's go get breakfast before we have to go to that stupid magical creatures with that big oof"

"Did you seriously call Hagrid a big oof?"

"Well he is!" I roll my eyes and continue to the hall. The dumbstrang boy had made themselves extremely at home, half of the took up the Slytherin table causing many students not to bother coming to breakfast I walked to my seat heels clicking and see a boy sitting there.

"Move" was all I said. The group of boys looked up and snickered "give me a kiss and you've got yourself a deal"

I raise an eyebrow and flicked my wrist causing my wand to fly into my hand "I would rather cut off my tongue now move or I will move you" the raven hair boy scrambled out of my seat. Plopping down my friends laughed at the fear I installed in one of the dumbstrang boys.

"You're really taking no shit this year Melody"
Daphne states

I shrug "I'm just not in the mood for any of this crap" they all raise there hands on surrender, Draco wraps his hand around my shoulder "Easy tiger stop scaring people"

I raise an eyebrow "I didn't do anything"


"Shut up Draco" he stuck his tongue out at me to which I reciprocated. Once we'd eaten I walk out into the fresh air. I look over and see the golden trio talking an of course Draco can't stay quite so he calls potter out.I watch the scene unfolds in front of me.

Potter came at Draco which resulted in mad eyed moody coming to potters rescue. Moody pulled his wand out on Draco and I immediately tensed.

My best friend was transformed into a white ferret. I ran over to him

"Professor Moody! This is not allowed!"

He raised an eyebrow at me "I don't care Robinson, blondie needs to learn a lesson"

I whipped out my wand "change Draco back now or there will be two ferrets in the courtyard not one" his eyes gaze into mine.

He was waiting to see if I'd crack but I refused to show weakness, eventually Ms. mcgonagall storms over to us.

"Professor Moody! Miss Robinson! Lower your wands this is unacceptable"

"But Professor he transformed Draco into a ferret! A professor is not allowed to use magic to discipline a student!" She looked at me and nodded at me

"Yes I am well aware thank you Miss Robinson" she turned to moody "I'd like to have a word professor"

He scoffed before dropping Draco down and following mcgonagall out. Draco was dropped on the floor I lowered my hand onto the floor and called him over "come here Draco". His cute little face scrunched up and he ran over.

I picked him up and walked out of the yard until I reach the lake. I placed him down carefully before looking at the Snow White ferret in front of me and I scratched his ear.

"Aren't you just the cutest little thing ever" I giggled as the creature whines in annoyance. "Hush Draco I cant help it you're cute like this" I picked him up and looked into his eyes, I swore I saw him roll them back.

"Fine" I huff "but I will continuously tease you about this"

Flicking my wand in the air the creature began to triple in size. The once white ferret was no longer standing on the grass instead my blonde best friend stood there with a scold on his face

"I cannot believe you Robinson"

I giggle and raise an eyebrow "what"

"You waited 10 minutes before deciding to turn me back!" I shrug

"You were cute"

"So you're saying I'm not cute normal" he stares defensively


He scrunched his nose up at me "you're bloody something else Melody"

I wink at him "only for you Malfoy" He didn't reply instead he stares off Into the water.


No answer


Stubborn mule


Still nothing

"Dray I'm sorry" he looked At me for a second. Before resuming his position "I love you" His lips break out into a smile. I giggle "I knew you couldn't resist me"

"Oh For merlins sake hush" Draco fought back a smile

"I love you dray"

He smiled at me and sighed "and I love you too Melody Ophelia Robinson"

He leaned in as did I, our lips brushed against each other. His lips soft and plush against mine. Pulling him close to me, I run my hands through his hair it was Like silk against my fingers.

We break apart lips swollen and red, Eyes clouded with lust and love. Draco was perfect and yet the only question in my mind was what are we?

"I love your lips mel" I blush red

"Shut up dray"

He stood up and dusted his uniform off before fixing his hair. He held his hand out for me and picked me up and pulled me close.

"Let's get to class"

I giggle "yea we've got mad eyed moody next"

Draco whines "of course we do"

"Come on drama queen" I pull him with me

"Ugh" Walking to class hand in hand with Draco. The closer we get to the door the tighter he squeezes my hand.

"You'll be fine Draco" I peck his lips and open the door.

Word count:1165

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