Chapter 53

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"It's so good to see you both I've missed having you both here!" Cissa pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"I've missed you too Cissa" reciprocating the hug. I sigh.

"Everything okay dear?"

"Just stressed thats all" I let out a sigh. She furrows her eyebrows.

"I know serving the dark lord brings on a lot of unwanted pressure". I chuckle.

"Well thats an understatement" Draco throws out bluntly. Cissa scowls.

"Manners Draco you never but into a lady's conversation"

His eyebrows raised and his mouth opens a gap. "But it involves me?" He speaks confused at Cissa.

"Unless you are invited to join you don't enter the conversation" I giggle loudly. Draco playfully glares.

"Dully noted" his reply sarcastic.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy's are you being lippy with me" her tone sharp. Draco timidly shook his head and stood behind me, as if I was a shield.

"I-of course by mother".

"That's what I thought." She struts towards the kitchen and I burst out laughing.

"oh Merlin" I gasped. "Your face was priceless!"

He groans out. "I was not"

I just roared with laughter. "It was you looked like you were facing a dementor!"

He glared. "She's just as bad as one."

Cissa renters with a hand on her hip. "Im just as bad as what exactly Draco?"

He stood up straighter "nothing at all mother I wasn't talking about you I was- eh talking about Parkinson"

She stared. "Parkinson?"

"Yes" he nods his head quickly.

"Well when your done talking about" she pauses with a raised eyebrow. "Parkinson. Dinner is ready".

Grabbing my hand he sprints out of the living room and enters the dinning room. He pulls out my seat before sitting next to me.

I wait for everyone to sit before I dig into the marvellous feast that had been cooked. Slicing a piece of chicken I shove it into my mouth. I resist moaning at the flavour and instead flicks on ploughing through the dinner.

"So how is school"

I look up at Cissa. "It's okay nothing to exciting we haven't exactly had the time to indulge in anything this year because of the assignment"

She nods understandingly. "I know it hard but hopefully it will all be over soon"

I glance up at her. "Meaning"

She gulps a mouthful of whine. "Well- the dark lords plan is finished it just need to be executed."

"It's finished already?" Draco questioned.

"It's been in the making for many years. He's thought everything out. To the tiniest detail" she chuckles popping a carrot into her mouth.

"Do you think he'll gain full control over the wizarding world Cissa"

She pauses before nodding. "He isn't normal"

Draco laughs. "That can be gathered from his appearance mother"

She shakes her head "no dear. you don't understand he doesn't think the same as a normal person would. He feels nothing. Therefore I see no reason why he wouldn't gain control, when he's the only person willing to give up anything and kill countless people for his cause. For his beliefs". A shiver ran through me. "Someone without a soul is a dangerous thing".

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