Epilogue Part Two

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11 years later

"Scorpius come down stairs please!" I yell from the bottom of the pine stairs. It's been 11 years since I married the love of my life, a lot has changed for example.

I am now a mother of not one but two beautiful children.

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy and Athena Clara Malfoy. My oldest scorpius is 11 years old which means this is the year he goes off to Hogwarts.

Athena my youngest is 6 years old, I have never met a girl quite as sassy as her. She takes after her mother of course. Athena can get away with murders because she's got her father wrapped around her little finger. But I'm no better.

We didn't move into Malfoy manor like narcissa wanted, instead Draco went all out and bought our very own home.

After our wedding scorpius was welcomed into the world and 6 years later I had Athena, Draco had taken the news of my second pregnancy exactly how I always dreamed. He erupted in screams of joy. Pulling me close and peppering my face with millions of kisses, it was perfect.

"Mommy!". Smiling I turn to see my brown haired beauty running towards me, he father trailing behind her.

"Princess" I spin her around. "How was shopping with daddy" placing a kiss on her forehead.

She giggles. "Daddy bought me so much stuff" she squeals. I stare at Draco with a raised eyebrows.

"Really?". She nods. "What kind of stuff".

She takes in a huge breath. "I got a a new teddy bear that is this big" she holds out her arms. "It's bigger than that, a new doll house and daddy got me a puppy named princess!"

"A puppy?" Draco chuckles nervously and scratches the back of his neck.

"Athena Didn't i say it was a secret?" He groans out. I burst out laughing.

"And how exactly were you going to hide the fact you got a puppy?" I quiz. He shrugs.

"With an invisibility cloak?". I snort.

"Amazing plan" I giggle. "Okay you go get your clock we have to drop Scorpius to the train". She pouts.

"Does he have to go?" Her bottom lip wobbles a little bit. I crouch down and smile.

"Yes sweetheart but you'll see him over the holidays and he promises to write to you all the time" her eyes light up once again.

"Okay!" She raced upstairs.

I sighs "she has so much energy". Draco wraps his arms around me.

"She reminds me of you" he laughs. I playful glare.

"I hope you mean that in a good way" he merely smirks.

"Of course love is there any other way?". Kissing my lips.

"Ew gross" Draco smiles into in the kiss before pulling away.

I look at Scorpius he was indeed the mould of Draco. His blondish White hair almost identical. He was handsome, no doubt he'd be like his father and have billions of crushes by the end of the first week.

"Do you have everything?" I ask for the twentieth time. He nods.

"Yes I gave my wand. Books. Clothes. Quills. Notebooks and of courses Peter." He holds out his arm and a multicoloured brown owl swoops down. I nod.

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