Chapter 25

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The room was halved girls on one side and the boys on the other. Draco continued to stare at me, ignoring everyone else he made me feel as tho we were the only two in the room.

"The yule ball has been a tradition of
the tri-wizard tournament since its
inception. On Christmas eve night we
and our guests gather in the great hall
for well mannered frivolity. As representitives
of the host school I expect each and
every one of you to put your best foot
forward, and I mean this literally because
the yule ball is first and foremost a dance." Mcgonagall states

Groans emerge from the boys who are listening on. The girls seem a lot more excited.

"Silence. The house of Godrick Griffindore
has commanded the respect of the wizard
world for nearly ten centuries. I will
not have you in the course of a single
evening besmirching that name by behaving
like a babbling, bumbling band of baboon"

"You and Draco are going to be the cutest couple there" daphne chimes in.

"We will not" I give her an eye roll

"(Continued) Now to dance is to let the
body breathe, inside every girl a secret
swan slumbers longing to burst forth
and take flight."

"(Whispering to Seamus) Something's about
to burst out of Hilary but I don't think
it's a swan." Weasely whispers rather loudly

"Inside every boy a lordly lion prepared
to prance. Mr Weasly, will you join

She grabs Ron and pulls him up to dance.

"Now, place your right hand on my waist."


"My waist."

He does so and a wolf whistle comes from the crowd.

"Now bend your arm. Mr Filch..."

The music starts.

"One two three, one two three, one two
three.Everybody come together."

The girls instantly stand and walk forward, the boys are all still seated.

"Boys, on your feet"

Draco stands and walks over to me and mock bows "may I have this dance" I curtsy "but of course"

I grabbed his and and he placed them on my waist "finally all the times our mothers thought us to dance cake in handy"

I giggle "yea you weren't so good at dancing back then. Always stepping on my toes"

His face went red "I wasn't that bad?"

"It was like you had three left feet Draco"

He twirls me and pulls me close the song finished and Draco tilts me back a little. I stand up straight and see everyone staring at us.

Mcgonagall claps for us "Robinson and Malfoy that was wonderful!"

I smile "thank you professor"

"I can't wait for Christmas it's so close"  Amanda says

I sigh "I won't be seeing father unfortunately I'm staying at Draco's" she shrugs

"but it will be cute and you'll be with Draco"

"Yea I guess you're right it's kind of stupid that the ball is on the 25th of December" Amanda giggles at me.

"Oh stop being such a crank melody" I roll my eyes and continue to back my bag. Draco has told me we were leaving a day before the other students as Narcissa missed him too much to wait another day.Closing my trunk, I grab eclipses cage and place it on top.

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