Chapter 52

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"You might stop a hurricane
Might even stop the drivin' rain
You might have a dozen other guys
But if you wanna stop me baby, don't even try
I'm goin' one way, your way
It's such a strong way, let's make it our way". I jump up on to my trunk and sing louder into my hair brush.

"Now baby can't stop this thing we started
You gotta know it's right
Can't stop this course we've plotted, yeah
This thing called love we got it
No place for the brokenhearted
I can't stop this thing we started, no way
I'm goin' your way-"

Clapping brings me out of my rockstar fantasy and drags me back to my boring mundane reality. Draco perched by the door staring at me in amusement.

"Don't let me stop you love you were doing a fantastic job"

I blush and shrug. "Amanda sort of left her radio out and one thing led to another and before I knew it I was holding a one woman concert"

"It's funny really that I've never taken the time to listen to 'muggle' music" he puts air quotas around the word muggle. I sit next to him.

"It's good" I laugh. "I used to sneak it on when I was younger when mother and father used to go out they never approved of muggles singing. they were afraid it would brainwash me"

He snorts. "My father used to say the same thing"

I gasp. "IT WAS ALL A LIE!"

He winces at how loud my shout came out. "That was loud". I burst out laughing.

"I never thought I'd say this but I don't want to go home for the holidays" I rest my head on his shoulders.

He kisses my hair. "Me either especially not after the whole Katie bell incident"

I sigh. "I was sure it would work"

"Me too love"

"He's going to be pissed"

He chuckles. "Understatement".

A hoot pulls me out of our conversation. I stare up at eclipse who's soaring back and forth through the room. She lands on my shoulder, I grab the letter and unravel it.

Dear daughter.

Word has spread throughout the house. News of you and Draco continuously failing to complete the task provided by the dark lord.
I can only advise you to power through with your plans and remain calm.

In other news I wish to inform you  I will not be at the Malfoy's when you return, I've been sent away by the lord to complete a private task.

I wish you a happy holidays with Draco and the Malfoy's.

I Love You Melody,
Your father. X

I roll my eyes and fold the letter and shove it under my pillow.

"You okay?" Draco asks.

"Yea I'm fine my dad isn't going to be home for the holidays. I shouldn't be surprised" I pout.

He pulls me closer. "You have me you always have me".

"I know I do" i press my lips to his hard. And let all my worries drift away. "I love you Draco"

He smiles. "I love you too".

"Don't you look so dashing! Yes you do" a lick to my face causing me to burst out laughing. "I missed you too". I pet obsidians nose lovingly as I stare into his black eyes. "You and draco seem to be the only one who understands what I'm going through"

The stables were warm considering it was located a little bit away from the house. Malfoy manor was empty when we returned home. Draco's parents were out and my father was away completing some secret task.

Bidding farewell to my baby I walk towards the house. The Malfoy's Had done up the house perfectly.The house was decorated in Christmas ornaments it felt homey despite the events that have take out through out the year.

"Hello? Is anyone here"

"I'm upstairs love"

Climbing upstairs i enter Draco's room, he's sitting by his desk scribbling down sentence after sentence.

"You okay?"

His shoulders slump.

"no I'm trying to get down as much of a plan as I can before the dark lord comes and demands one"

I rub his shoulders. "Relax its okay"

He noticeably relaxes under my touch and leans in. "I'm trying"

"Maybe I can help distract you" I find myself purring. He shivers turning to face me.

"How" he mutters out.

I sit straddling his lap a sense of nervousness washed over me, myself and Draco have had intense make out sessions but he never forces me to do anything I'm uncomfortable with.

"Well I've a few ideas"

He grabs my hips pulling me closer. "Do share"

I nibble on his ear. "They're a tad bit to indecent to say out loud"

He begins to kiss down my neck before latching in lightly, sucking the skin pulling it between his teeth.

"Oh come on love don't be a spoil sport" he teases. Before I can reply he places his lips on mine with such force.

Shifting on his lap he releases a throaty groan. He picks me up with ease and drops me on the bed. I bounce up and burst out into a fit of giggles causing Draco to laugh as well.

Before kissing me once again; he runs his hands through my long hair knotting his hand in it and pulling it causing me to gasp. He plunges his tongue into my mouth earning a Loud moan from me.

My legs wrap themselves around his waist pulling him closer.

"Draco! Melody!" I broke apart panting "are you both here?" Narcissa's shouting pulls me out of my daze.

"Shit" I mutter out sitting up straight. "What are you waiting for answer back" I whisper yell.

He coughs. "Yea mother were home!". There was a short pause before she shouted up.

"Fantastic! Dinner will be in thirty minutes"

"Okay mom we'll be down in a second"

"Okay darling"

I look up at his face a light shade of blush covered his cheeks. I can only imagine what I looked like.

I cleared my throat. "Eh we should go"

He nods. "Yea before mother get suspicious" he winks.

I cover my face "shut up there's nothing to get suspicious about"

"Try telling her that"

Standing I watch him exit the room and close the door. Standing I look in the mirror, my cheeks flushed lips red.

I couldn't help but think of what might of happened if Cissa hadn't interrupted or if I was even ready for that. Turning on the shower I step in and let it wash away the stress, I need to relax.

Word count: 1107

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