Chapter 60

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The stares I received when I entered the hall didn't go unnoticed. It was quiet which seemed odd to me considering the amount of time I spent here leaning over the table to hear what was being said on the opposite side.

Hogwarts had changed. A dull ache chipped away at me heart as I took in the school I once called home, it was upsetting to know I indeed played a instrumental part in its down fall. After all myself and Draco fixed the wardrobe and led Dumbledore to his death.

Professors who once looked at me with pride and admiration now looked at me with disgust. A surge of anger swarmed through me.

Who were these people to judge me? They didn't know what I've been through. What I've lost. I did this to protect what loved ones I've left.

Students were always afraid of me be it my wealth or my name: but now they looked petrified. I didn't mind honestly I find it rather amusing.

My shoes click harshly off the stone floor, eyes were indeed focused on me. The death eaters walked behind me as I entered none of them tempting to lead; even Greyback complied. The dark lord had in fact chosen me to lead the group here.

"Ms Robinson" Snape nodded from the top of the room. "How lovely of you to return".
He stood perched where dumbledore used to stand. Each house was divided into perfect rows no one was out of place. No one spoke.

I smirked up. "You asked for the best Snape. Here I am". He chuckled . I continued walking until I reached the steps climbing the I stand beside Snape with my head high. The death eaters had dispersed and circle the room.

"Robinson is here by request of the dark lord." Murmurs broke out. "SILENCE!". I glanced over each house.

The once smiling hufflepuffs now looked deflated, they're joyful exterior now looked meek and scared.

Ravenclaws who were never seen with out a book or in deep conversation about a a novel or class work were for once quiet .

Gryffindors seemed on edge. Each individual taking in their surroundings. None of them seem to have any spirit to fight back.

But I knew better than to believe they had given up. Gryffindors were loyal, they'd never give up on Hogwarts.

And of course the Slytherins. Everyone seemed rather calm. No one freaked out when death eaters enter but most have had no choice but to grow up in a house with death eaters.

Daphne and Amanda where no where to be seen. Their parents must have taken them out for their safety.

"Now a few words from Robinson"

I nodded stepping forward. "Many of you stare at me with disgust and hate thinking it will have some sort of impact on me. Make me feel sympathetic of the situation" I paused grinning. "You are wrong."

The whispers broke out once again. "I am not here to save you. I am not your saviour. I am here for one reason only. To crush whatever hope remains embed into each of you." I lock eyes with the Gryffindors: "you will cooperate be it by choice or force".

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS! YOU WENT HERE YOU WERE A STUDENT! YOU SHOULD BE HELPING US AND NOW YOURE A PATHETIC DEATH EATER!" The boy in his red and gold robes stood tall. Never breaking eye contact as he's screams at me.

I do what any mentally drained person would do in that situation. I broke out laughing. No one spoke not even death eaters.

Regaining composure I stand upright and walk down towards the crowd. Each student moves. The boy gulps.

"What nothing to say now?" I circle him. "But you were so brave a moment ago?" I smooth out the creases in his shoulder. I lean forward and whisper into his ear. "You have no idea what I'm capable of. I'm no longer a student of Hogwarts. I am a death eater sweetie, you'd be wise to remember that."

I walked back up. "There will be random room checks as well as common room checks: class rooms will be searched along with teachers dorms. You are all dismissed"

"So Melody how are things at Malfoy manor?" Snaps quizzes when we are alone. I shrug and rub my temples.

"Good Cissa is Healthy and doing well. I haven't seen Lucius In a while and Draco recently returned from his mission set by the dark lord." I throw my head back. "Things could be worse"

He raises an eyebrow. "And how are you?"

I sat up straight I haven't been asked that in a while, I thought mentally. Draco asks me it frequently but no one else.

I chuckle "I'm good can't complain"

He sighs. "Always so tough."

I smile sadly. "Unfortunately with our line of work you can't afford not to be". He nods understanding.

"I apologise for asking for you to come to hogwarts but I did in fact need the best"

"I understand it's fine. What's been going on?"

He snorts. "Some Students are refusing to accept me as the new headmaster. It's causing riots, although they may be small now numbers will grow and before we know it, it's a full on rebellion and we can't afford that."

"Any idea which students"

"Take a guess"

"Gryffindors?" He nods. I hum. "My guess is they're still holding out for potter to come to the rescue"

Snape sighs. "Not holding out. They know he will return, the boy won't stay away forever."

I laugh. "And for that he is a fool"

"A brave fool would you not think"

"I'd rather not comment I have very little to say on the matter. I was given one job. Destroy what hope the students have left and Draco would live. After all the dark lord doesn't accept failure"

"Indeed". I glance up at the clock. Standing I dust myself down.

"I'm going to scan around and see if everyone is where they should be" he merely nods and returns his attention to the window.

The halls were bare. Portrait slanted. Pieces of glass all over the floor. Hogwarts looked a little rough for ware. The courtyard was empty students no doubt hiding in their dorms.

Hearing footsteps I pull my wand and point it. Ms. Mcgonagall stood staring at me.

"May I help you" I spoke out loud gaining her full attention. She smiles softly.

"You look tired melody" I laugh.

"Thank you for point out the obvious. Yes I'm tired now why are you roaming around."

She shakes her head. "I wasn't roaming merely walking" she boldly sits next to me. I stare at her with a raised eyebrow. "You know I never thought things would come to this" she whispers out. I wanted to speak out and say me too but I kept quiet.

"I understand Melody." I look at her.

"Excuse me?"

"I understand the appeal of the dark side, I get it." I scoff.


"Pardon?" She asks. I glare at her.

"Let me guess because I'm a Slytherin you obviously assume I pranced over to the dark side got on my knees and begs the dark lord to make me a death eater huh?" I spite out. "But if it was a Gryffindors you wouldn't think twice you'd assume they were forced into it? That it was there choice"

"Melody I'm so sorry" she gasps out. I laugh.

"Spare me your worthless apologies I stopped caring the day the death mark was burned into my skin." I smiled at her. "I'd buckle up Minerva things are about the get a whole lot worse". She calls after me but I ignore her.

She thinks things are bad now. Just wait the witches claws are out and I'm ready to play.

Word count: 1315

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