Chapter 31

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Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix

Year five

The end of summer breeze blew through the forest near Malfoy manor. Obsidian's breathing  was calm as we trotted through the trees. No sound could be heard only his hooves hitting off the ground.

I felt at peace here, finally able to forget the events that have occurred over the summer. Narcissa had been right, Myself and Draco were forced to join the dark lords group of death eaters.

The initiation was excruciating the burning of my flesh was now permanently imbedded into my mind, a memory I will never forget. Although it was painful I did not scream I refused to give him that satisfaction.

He was bald and his skin had a blue tint to it. He had no eyebrow or hair and his face etched into a permanent sadistic smirk as he watched me clench my teeth together. He looked even worse in person none of the stories did him justice.

His fingers were long, as he wrapped his hand around his wand. He pulled me into an awkward embrace as he congratulated me on becoming a member before pushing me aside and continuing his meeting with the death eaters.

I looked up and stared my father in the eyes. He looked as though he was In pain. His eyes held sorrow As he looked at me as of almost begging me not to hate him.

The truth was I had no feels towards my father. I stared at him feeling nothing, no emotions. The only thing I felt at this very moment was a desire to leave this forsaken place.

Snapping out of my trance I stare down at my left forearm the dark mark burned onto my skin, a beacon for the dark lord to keep an eye on his follows but to everyone else it was a mark for them to fear me.

I sighed and stare at the sky it was getting late. I turned and galloped back to the stable, I untacked Obsidian before leading him into his stall where fresh oats and water were waiting.

"Goodnight boy" I pet his nose before exiting the stable. The walk to the manor was brief, I had distanced myself from everyone. I never meant to but it just happened, I knew Draco was hurting and it was all my fault.

Walking up to the back door I enter the house, Draco was in the kitchen leaning against the counter staring off into space. He looked tired. I walked over to the counter quietly.

He jumped out of his skin when he finally noticed me.

"Love you frightened the life out of me" I smiled at him

"Sorry you were so lost in thought" I paused for a second "are you okay Draco"

He nods "I'm fine love"

"Good" I walk over to him and hug him to which he immediately hugs me back "I'm sorry I've been such a bitch lately you know I love you right?"

He chuckles and hugs me tighter "of course love a lot has happened this summer. I'd be worried but you weren't a bit bitchy If I'm being honest

I sighed "it's just a lot to deal with. I never wanted this dray" I placed my head on his chest

"I know love I know"

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