New Begining❤️

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Bells of Shiv ji temple rings. Temple is located in the lonely hills of Ghorakpur.

It is the oldest temple but a busiest one in that city.

People of that city often visits the temple. You can hear the sounds of chanting there everytime.

However, the temple is busy in mornings no one is allowed to go inside that temple after 6 pm.

Guru ji, pandit of temple is taking care of that temple since his childhood. He knows knook and corner of that temple. He even knows all the information that are buried inside that temple.

"May I come in, guru ji? Everyone went out?" A voice from the entrance of the temple.

It's 6 pm.

Guruji: Hn, Sumathi. You can.

Sumathi entered the temple with puja plate in her hands.

She does Puja to shiv ji idol, later took blessings from Guru ji too.

Sumathi smiled at Guruji and was about to move.

Guruji: One second!

She stopped walking.

Guruji: Sumathi, it's been 19 years. You came here when you was pregnant. But you are not saying the reasons still.

Sumathi took a deep breathe.

Guruji: Why you are not coming here in mornings? Why you don't want any people to be here during your puja?

Sumathi: Guruji, you are right. It's been 19 years. And I never told you the reasons. Let it be like this itself. Sometimes it's better to stay still without knowing anything.

She gave a smile and moved on.

Guruji nods no and continued his work.

Sumathi is driving her scooter, someone is calling her continuously. To attend it she stopped the scooter aside and took her phone out.

Sumathi: Jaan, I am coming soon. Please wait for some more minutes.

"Maa, you went out its fine. But why you locked the door from outside? I told you many times na maa. Don't close the door from outside while you are going out. But you are not listening to me" A sweet voice is just trying to shout harshly to her mom.

Sumathi: Pranavi, you told me many times not to lock the door. I remember it.  But you should remember one thing everytime, your safety is the most important thing to me in this world.

"But maa, I am not a small kid. I am 19 years old". Replied the voice.

Sumathi cuts the call and continues to drive. She reaches her house after few minutes.

She opens the lock of her house. But it is closed inside.

Sumathi: Pranavi.... Pranavi.....

Door opens.

A beautiful girl, who is just a mirror of angel stands there.

Sumathi gets inside and locks the door immediately.

Sumati: Bondita, you had something?

Bondita: Maa, why you are behaving like this? What is your problem maa? Please tell to me now atleast. I am asking you this since my childhood.

Sumathi: Stop overthinking, meri jaan. Come let me cook your favourite dish.

She gets inside kitchen.

Bondita: Outside the house "Pranavi", inside the house "Bondita". Who am I maa? Why you are using two names?

Sumathi: Bondita, some questions can't be explained. Everything has its time. When time comes you will come to know everything.

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