Bondita to stay with Anirudh

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Anirudh hired Bondita as his Personal Assistant.

Bondita is uttering stupidly about PA's works, Anirudh is listening to her patiently amidst of his busy schedules.

Krishank rushed to Anirudh's cabin.

Krishank: Sirr.....

Bondita stopped speaking. Anirudh turned towards Krishank.

Krishank: Sir, look here. Look at this case files.

Anirudh: What happened?

He stood from his chair and got the papers from him with scared face.

Krishank: Sir, that lawyer cheated us. He got money from us but he diverted the case towards another one.

Anirudh: What??

Krishank: Yes, sir. I went to book a appointment with him. There only I caught him red handed.

Nishant took the lawyer inside by holding his collars.

Nishant: Yes, sir. He is right. He is working for the opposition.

Anirudh: Opposition?

Lawyer: Sir, please apologise me. I haven't done anything purposefully. At first I thought this case would be ending easily and it will be your side but then only I found one thing. Another business man has also came before to buy that Haveli. And his dad is a politician. I can't do anything, Sir.

Anirudh thinks on shockingly. Bondita is standing by.

Lawyer: Actually he threatened to divert this case towards him. That's why I did it, sir. Please believe me.

Krishank: Who it will be? Who is there to stand against ARC? Did you said his name?

Lawyer: Yes, I told. But he threatened me that he will kill my family. I am so sorry, Sir. You look for another lawyer. Please leave me.

He ran outside. Anirudh is thinking on.

Nishant: Sir, who it could be? Who is trying to buy your Haveli?

Krishank: I think it is MSG company's head. You rejected his deal know that's why he is doing like this, sir.

Anirudh: I know who it is. You leave it. Hire another lawyer. I would even spend all of my properties to win this case.

Krishank: Sure Sir. Let me hire lawyers from London.

Anirudh nods yes. Krishank went out.

Nishant: Sir, who is it? Come lets go directly and confront him. I think he doesn't know your powers and wealth.

Anirudh: No, Nishant. Then it will become a big problem. I don't want to create any mess in this case. Let it happen legally. God knows everything, if I am blessed to live that Haveli then for sure I will get it. You go continue your work.

Nishant nods yes and went out.

Anirudh returned to his seat with extreme anger and confusions. Bondita is looking at him.

Bondita: Sir, what happened? Why you are looking so upset? I know I should not ask your personals but...

Anirudh: Bondita, I filed a case to stop the auction of Roy Chaudharys Haveli.

Bondita is shocked to hear it.

Anirudh: I thought I would get that Haveli. But now an opposition has came to claim it.

Bondita: Roy Chaudharys Haveli? Ab...about which haveli you are speaking about?

Anirudh realised that he blabberd.

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