Anirudh seeks apology

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Bondita disguise herself as Chirag and went to police station and surrendered. Inspector released Anirudh and Krishank.

Arvind: Thank you sir for accepting our petition.

Inspector: I did my duty only. 1000 guilty can be escaped but 1 innocent should not be punished. Now it's time to punish the real culprit.

Inspector was about to lock Bondita with handcuff but she started to run from there. Everyone are shocked.

Bondita: Yeah, I accepted my crime but that doesn't mean you should arrest me. I am going to escape to a far place so that no one could reach me there.

Inspector: Constable, take the Jeep quick follow him.

They all rushed behind him while Anirudh, Krishank and Arvind looks at each other.

Krishank: Now only we were talking about you and Bondita. Thank God you came here at correct time to save us. You was the one who sent that Chirag here right?

Anirudh: Where is Bondita?

Arvind: Huh.. she ... Hn she is in temple. Why you are asking about her now? You threw her out of the house right?

Anirudh: I must get apology from her. I did a great mistake.

Arvind: No use of realising it now. She tried to help you only but you mistook her and you tarnished her character. I think she won't apology you.

Anirudh: She will, she loves me a lot. And I too love her a lot. I will meet her and clear all the misunderstandings.

He rushed out but Arvind stopped him. Anirudh looks on.

Arvind: No need! She is already broken by you. I will not allow you to hurt her again. It's enough. Bondita doesn't need a partner like you anymore.

Anirudh is stunned to hear this from him.

Arvind thinks: I am sorry Anirudh, if i don't stop you then you will go in search of Bondita then you may learn all the truths. I will not allow you to temple until i get signal from Bondita.

Anirudh: Leave me, i don't need your permission to meet my Bondita.

Arvind: Your Bondita? When did she became yours?

Krishank: They both love each other.

Arvind: Really? But Bondita is engaged to me only. Look, still I have the ring in my hand.

He showed it to them. Anirudh is stunned.

Krishank: Great!

Arvind: Come with me to apartment. You should stay there only. Here after you don't worry about Bondita. I am here now right?

Anirudh's eyes filled with tears.

On other side Bondita is driving the car fastly in the mountain which is near the forest. Inspector and constables are following her.

Bondita: Rest in peace Chirag!

She purposefully does the accident. Car rolls down and falls down in the forest from there top of the cliff.

Policers are shocked. Bondita becomes a naagin and escaped. Then she found Chirag's real corpse and puts it inside the car and she escaped.

Policers found Chirag's real body inside it and thinks that he is dead by accident.

~In police station~

Arvind and Anirudh are arguing with each other.

Arvind: You are not the same Anirudh whom I know before years.

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