Vacating house!

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Anirudh ordered Bondita to stay with him in his house as she is his PA.

Bondita is thinking about it. Anirudh came out of his cabin and stood before her.

Anirudh: What's your decision now? Staying in my house or resigning your job?

Bondita: I need this job. I am ready to stay in your apartment, Sir.

Anirudh: Khub Balo! Come lets go.

Anirudh walked, Bondita followed him.

Anirudh: Here you have the keys. Lock the company's gate. I will bring my car.

Bondita: Closing the gates are not my work. I am your PA not watchman. Have some respect on me. You ordered me to stay in your house and now you are asking me to do watchman work.

Anirudh: Helo, madam. I have lots of respect on you and I know closing gates are not your work. My dad always used to tell that we should close the gates of successfully running company with hands of Mahalakshmi to prevent losses. And my uncle told me that girls are Mahalakshmi. I don't know any other girl here that's why I asked you to do that. But now I understood you are not Mahalakshmi but a Rakshasi!

Bondita realised her silliness and became shy.

Anirudh: Move, let me close it.

Bondita: Sir, sir. Give it to me, I'll do it.

Anirudh: Sure?

Bondita: Hn, Pakka sure.

She got the keys and locked the gates. In this mean time Anirudh came there in his car.

Bondita gave him the keys.

Anirudh: Keep it in your hand bag.

Bondita: Why?

Anirudh: I said not to...

Bondita: Ok ok, I won't ask you. questions.

Anirudh: Good, come get into the car.

Bondita: It's ok. I will come by auto.

Anirudh: Do you know the way to my apartment?

Bondita nods no.

Anirudh: Then?

Bondita: I need to pack all my things from my house. I should pay the rent to my owner. I have lots of work to do. Sir, you go first. I'll come later after packing my luggages.

Anirudh: Come get into car!!

Bondita: I said na, I want to bring my luggages.

Anirudh: I said you to get into the car.

Bondita gets irritated and gets into his car. She sits in the back seat.

Anirudh started to drive. He sets the front mirror towards Bondita so that he can look at her.

Bondita thinks: Now only I understood why other employees are telling that he is rude. I am telling that I want to pack my luggages but he didn't even listened it. Rakshas!

Anirudh is looking at her angry eyes via mirror.

Anirudh: Where is your house?

Bondita: Hn?

Anirudh: Are you deaf? Tell me the way to your house. You need to pack your stuffs right?

Bondita shows him the route. He pretends like he don't know it.

They reached her house after some minutes.

Bondita gets down from the car.

Anirudh: 30 mins! Only 30 mins for you to pack your stuffs.

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