Bondita enters the Haveli

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Chandini and Chirag joins together to ruin AniDita's happiness.

~It's morning~

Anirudh is ready to go to his office. Bondita comes out of her room.

Anirudh smiled at her.

Bondita thinks: Today I can't go with him to office. Already I wasted 2 days. Atleast today I should find a way to Takshak lok.

Anirudh: Bondita, why aren't you ready yet?

Bondita: Actually, I feel somewhat tired. I couldn't even stand on my own.

She pretends like ill.

Anirudh: Are you okay? Shall I call the doctor?

Bondita: No, no. It's fine.

Anirudh: Ok, then I will also stay here to take care of you.

Bondita: But today you have some important meetings. I have mailed your schedules.

Anirudh: Nothing is important to me than you, Bondita.

He cupped her face.

Bondita thinks: So sorry, you love me a lot but I am in situation of lying to you.

Bondita noticed Chandini climbing the steps, so she took Anirudh's hands from her cheeks.

Chandini: ARC, it's 9 a.m. Still you are here? Not going to office?

Anirudh: I'll go or sleep for you what?

Chandini: I just asked!

Anirudh stares at her and leaves to his office.

Now only Bondita and Chandini are presented in House.

Bondita went to her room while Chandini followed her.

Bondita thinks: Guruji told me to find for a clue in Haveli. I really can't understand what clue will I get there. Everything seem like a dream.

Chandini: Bondita!!

Bondita turned and looked at her.

Chandini: Have you heard a news? Chirag, our opposition was met with an accident in Shimla.

Bondita remains silent.

Chirag: I met him yesterday night near our street.

Bondita thinks: Oh god, did he revealed anything?

Her face showed the fear inside her.

Chandini: What he said is really a biggest joke of the year. Haha, i just want you also to hear that joke.

Bondita: Wh..what joke?

Chandini: He told me that he didn't met with an accident. He was beaten by an Ichadhari naagin it seem. Hahaha! No idiot will believe this.

Bondita turns towards cupboard and pretends like doing work.

Chandini: He is really funny. Bondita what do you think? Can we believe him? Is there Ichadhari naag and Naagins in real ?

Bondita: not believe those stories. They are just a myth.

Chandini: So there are no Ichadhari naag and naagin, right?

Bondita: I said na I don't know.

Chandini: I think Chirag went mad after losing the case. I think he is suffering from Naag dosh that's why he is imagining extra ordinary things.

Bondita thinks: Yes he is now trapped in Nag dosh. No one can save him from me.

Chandini: I am keep on speaking but you are not responding anything, why?

Bondita: I am going to office now. I feel somewhat alright.

She gave a fake smile and came out of the room, then she goes to temple.

Chandini: Oh no, Bondita! The fear in your face, haha! For this moment only I have been waiting these many days. Just for this! Now it's going to be easy for me to make you stay away from Takshak Lok, Bondita you are in love now. As of now you will be just concentrated on Anirudh. Every movement of Anirudh will affect you. Then you will totally forget about the Takshak lok. Hahaha!

She looks at the mirror and takes her real form. She is none other than Saudamini.

She smiled cunningly.

~In temple~

Bondita enters the shrine, Guruji is doing some Puja.

Bondita: Namaste Guruji!

Guruji: Where you went these two days?

Bondita explained him everything.

Guruji: Bondita, still now you are not understanding the seriousness of your situation. You have became an Ichadhari naagin at this very young age, this is a boon from Shiv ji.

Bondita: Guruji, I know I am delaying.

Guruji: Bondita, I told you clearly if you can't find a way before Guru Purnima then you can never save your mum and your dynasty. Everyone there are believing that Sesha naagin princess will come to break their curse but you? You are roaming with that human. Just think about your mum, that Saudamini would be torturing her as hell.

Bondita worries.

Guruji: Ok, till now nothing went wrong. Go to Haveli and find for clues.

Bondita: Hn, guruji. I am going there only now.

Guruji nodded and went in, Bondita came out and goes towards Haveli.

~In House~

Chandini(Saudamini) calls Chirag.

Chirag: I am in important meeting, will call you back.

Chandini: Bondita went to temple. That too alone.

Chirag: Really?

Chandini: Yes, if you go there then for sure you can click her pic.

Chirag: I am going there immediately.

He calls of his meetings and rushes to temple but finds Bondita on the way.

Chirag: Chandini told she is in temple but where she is going now?

As usual he started to follow Bondita.

Bondita reached the Haveli and she decides to get in via back door which was opened by them.

~In Haveli~

Bondita: If I start to search this Haveli then for sure it will suck more time. Let me search in naagin form. So that I can crawl everywhere easily.

She takes her naagin form and crawls on the floors of Haveli.

Chirag enters the Haveli and looks at Bondita's look.

Chirag: Wow, what a scenario?

He took his phone and clicked her pic then he returns to his office.

Bondita enters each and every room and searches for a clue. But nothing is there except old photos, old table and chairs and broken stuffs.

She worries.

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️

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