Anirudh meets Bondita

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~In Haveli~

Sulochana seems restless, she is walking here and there.

Trilochan: Why you are confused?

Sulochana: What?

Trilochan: Confused people only walk here and there to search a solution.

Sulochana: Nahi, nahi. I don't have any confusions. Actually my friend is coming here for shiv purnima puja. I don't know how to hide her. I mean how to make her stay here.

Trilochan: Is this your problem?

Sulochana nods yes.

Trilochan: Sulochana, why you are worrying? Ask your friend to stay here itself.

Sulochana: No!

She suddenly bursted.

Trilochan looks at her weirdly.

Sulochana: Ah, I mean, how will she stay here?

Trilochan: We have a guest room next to Anirudh's room. We shall make her to stay there.

Sulochana thinks: Next to Anirudh room?

Trilochan: Are you not ok with it?

Sulochana: Hn, I am ok with it. Fine.

She gave a fake smile and moved on.

On other side college bus reached Serpentarium.

HOD: Students, after roll call only you have to get down one by one.

Within he complete his statement Anirudh jumped down from the bus.

Professor: Hey, idiot. Can't you understand what sir has said?

Anirudh: Madam, I'll tell my attendance from here itself. Actually inside the bus i feel like puking. Yuck!

Hod stares at him.

Arvind: Dey, Anirudh don't do this da. Please, get onto the bus.

Anirudh: Hey, I feel like vomiting da. Then I'll vomit on you only. Is that fine?

Arvind: fine da, you first get onto the bus.

Anirudh went into the bus. When he went near HOD he acted like puking.

Hod: Aiii!

Anirudh laughed and others too.

HOD stared at him and started to take attendance.

In this meanwhile, Bondita's bus too arrived there.

Jovi: Haiyaa! We reached the place. Hurray!

Kushi: Look there, seniors bus has already arrived.

They got down from the bus after attendance. But Bondita didn't.

Professor: Pranavi, get down from the bus. Why you are still sitting?

Bondita thinks of the promise that she made to her mother.

Khushi: Hey Pranavi, what happened? Come on.

Bondita: Mam, actually... Unexpectedly i got my periods.

Professor: Oh, i am sorry. You take rest. No problem.

Bondita gives a fake smile.

All the students stepped inside the serpentarium.

Khushi: Pranavi, what's wrong with you? I know you lied to mam.

Bondita: My mom got promise from me.

Jovi: What promise?

Bondita: I promised her that I wont go to the places where snake resides.

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