Where they are going?

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Bondita enters her college. She is studying 1st year Zoology.

Kushi, Jovi are Bondita's best friends.

Sumati confirms whether Bondita had entered the college and then leaves to her home.

~In College~

Bondita is walking in lane towards her class.

Khushi: Pranavi, Pranavi... Wait, arey wait na.

She comes running behind her.

Bondita: Khushi? What happened?

Khushi: Where you are going?

Bondita: To class!

Khushi: Everyone are in auditorium. Come there.

Bondita: But why?

Khushi: Don't know, our principal wants to convey something it seems.

Bondita nods yes and goes with her. On the way Jovi joins with them.

Jovi: Hey guys, have you heard about it?

Khushi: What?

Jovi: About excursion.

Khushi: Excursion???

She jumped in joy.

Jovi: Hn, to tell about that only principal called us to auditorium. And you know what we are going with our seniors.

She exclaimed in joy.

Khushi: With seniors? Warey wah! Going excursion with friends itself a bliss and that too with seniors... Wow, I can't hold my heart which is jumping in excitement now. Those senior boys... Wow, my God! Going to be amazing.

Jovi and Khushi are happy but Bondita didn't gave any response.

They entered auditorium.

Principal, HODs and other professors came there.

After prayer, principal started to speak. He informs about excursion.

Whole auditorium shouts in joy. Some of them gave whistles too.

Students are happy but professors are not.

Professor 1: God, we can't handle them in class itself. Now we have to take them to excursion.

Professor 2: Why principal is doing this to us?

Principal: Silence! Silence!

Auditorium becomes silent.

Principal: Students can go to their class. Professors get into their works. HODs stay here.

All did as per principal's order.

Principal: HODs take care of the preparations for this excursion. Fix the places that have to be seen. And those places should be useful for students studies.

Archaeology HOD: Why can't we go to Serpentarium? Because our department students have assignment regarding it.

Zoology HOD: Yeah, it will help us too. Our students also has syllabus based on it.

Principal: Fine, then you both department go to Serpentarium others tell your choices soon.

He said and went.

Students are all Happy thinking about excursion except Bondita.

~In Class~

Jovi: Pranavi, shall we wear same color dress?

Khushi: Hn, it will be a mass then. I am not excited about excursion. I am just excited to see archaelogical department seniors. They are just Ufff...

Jovi: Have you heard about that son of business man? Every senior girls speaks about him only.

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