Anirudh worries for Bondita

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Bondita was very happy after getting her job.

She is overjoyed and went to Anirudh's cabin.

Anirudh is still standing as Bondita didn't sit anywhere yet.

Bondita: Sir!!

Anirudh looks at her.

Bondita: Thank you so much sir. You gave me another chance to live my life.

Anirudh thinks: You too gave me an another chance Bondita.

Bondita: Sirr!!

Anirudh: Hn, hn Bon, Ms. Bondita.

Bondita: Thank you so much for this job, Sir.

Anirudh: May I know one thing?

Bondita nods yes.

Anirudh: From yesterday you are telling that this job is important to you. But why?

Bondita's smile reduced. Anirudh looks on.

Bondita: I can't tell you my situation. But you can't understand it. You don't know sir, what and all I lost in my life.

Anirudh thinks: I too lost the same, Bondita.

Bondita wipes her tears.

Anirudh: I am sorry. Welcome to ARC COMPANY OF ARTS. You can start your work.

Bondita smiled and went out. Krishank showed her the place.

It is straight opposite to Anirudh's cabin. He can clearly see her from his seat.

Bondita: Thank you!

Bondita took her seat and started to look at the files.

Actually she don't even a know single thing about Art. She doesn't have any idea about her job too.

She struggles to read the files as it is full of statistics and datas.

Anirudh noticed it. He came out of his cabin and walked towards Bondita.

Anirudh: Ms.Bondita, this is your first day in my company. Always I allow my employees to enjoy their first day without doing any work. So, give me that file.

He got the file from her hands and gave it to Nishant.

Anirudh: Nishant, I need the presentation of this file within an hour.

Nishanth went from there and started his work.

Bondita sat down silently. Anirudh went back to his cabin. 

Time moved on. Anirudh is busy in his schedules.

But Bondita feels bored as she is simply sitting without doing any works.

Bondita: If I sit here for some more time then for sure no would can stop me from sleeping.

She yawned.

She stood and started to walk here and there.

Anirudh is in important meeting.

Bondita is walking here and there. His eyesight went towards her.

His eyes moved towards all the places where Bondita walked.

Krishank: Sir,what do you think about this deal? Can we invest in it?

He looks at Anirudh. But he is looking at Bondita.

Krishank thinks: Khub balo, he didn't listened this business deal.

Anirudh: I am not interested in investing in this company. This will bring our share markets down. The plan is unique but it is not profitable. So, I am sorry Mr. Mehta. See you soon, with another good business deal.

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