Bondita is trapped

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Bondita turned as Ichadhari naagin. Now she is on mission to save her mum from Takshak Lok.

Anirudh is unaware of these things and he is searching for her in forest.

~In Sesha Naagin temple~

Bondita: Guru ji, now where will I start? What to do now? Show me the way for Takshak Lok.

Aghori: Listen, Saudamini has closed the gates of Takshak lok.

Bondita: Then how will I go inside? How will I save my mother?

Aghori: Every problem has solution. I helped you till now and ofcourse I will help you in future too. But you should find a way to enter Takshak Lok.

Bondita: No matter what, I will find another way to Takshak Lok.

Aghori: Remember one thing, be careful in your journey. You got this boon directly from Shiva ji. You became an Ichadhari Naagin at this young age itself. You may find many hurdles in your way but you should overcome those hindrances.

Bondita: I will, Guruji. From now my only aim is to avenge my dad's death and to save my family.

Aghori: On Namah Shivay!

Bondita: Om Namah Shivay!

Bondita comes out of the temple and looks at Anirudh who is standing outside the temple.

Anirudh: Bondita!!

He ran towards her.

Bondita thinks: He should not know my real identity.

Anirudh: Bondita, you are here? How did you came here? Are you fine?

He approached her, Bondita walks towards him.

Anirudh: I know that Chirag followed you na? Don't worry, now I am here.

Bondita goes near him but fainted as she was so tired by performing Tandav.

Anirudh is shocked. He lifted her and took her to home via car.

~In Apartment~

Anirudh is sitting beside her. He kept on looking Bondita without even blinking his eyes.

Bondita slowly opened her eyes.

Anirudh: Bondita!!

Bondita looks on.

Anirudh: How you are feeling now? I was so scared. Why did you went to Haveli?

Bondita: I went there... I...

Chandini enters the room. Bondita becomes silent.

Chandini: Aw, Bondita! You returned? Why did you returned? Ah I mean, why did you came without punishing that Chirag? He tried to misbehave with you right?

Bondita: I don't remember anything. I went to Haveli just to get relaxed but within that Chirag entered. He followed me and I ran into the forest. An old man came there and saved me from him and I was fainted. When I woke up I saw myself inside a temple. Then I heard ARC's voice, I came out.

She lies to them.

Chandini thinks: Better you would have died there itself.

Anirudh: I will not spare Chirag for this. How dare he is?

Bondita: No, don't do anything. Leave it.

Anirudh: But why? What if the old man didn't came there? He would have ruined your life.

Bondita thinks: Are you speaking about ruining life? Atleast I got escaped from Chirag but you... You molested Chandini.

Anirudh: Let me inform him to the police.

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