Anirudh throws Bondita out

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Chirag went to ARC company manipulated Anirudh using Krishank with Bondita's bangle.

Anirudh is shocked.

Krishank: Sir, yesterday Bondita was standing near that shop only na then how could she went there?

Anirudh is silently looking at his bangles.

Krishank: I think Chirag is planning something mischievous using Bondita.

Anirudh: Let's speak about this afterwards now bring me that documents.

Krishank: Sure, sir.

~Outside the cabin~

Chirag is still there, he enquires about Nishant to receptionist.

Receptionist: Sorry sir I can't give you his information. Outsiders are not allowed to know about our employees.

Chirag: I am not an outsider. I am also an investor in this company.

Receptionist: Oh really?

Chirag: Yes, now give me Nishant's phone number.

Receptionist: Sorry, sir. I can't.

Chirag: I am saying na, I am also investor of this company.

Receptionist: What is your name?

Chirag: What?

Receptionist: If you are really our investor then your name will be in this computer. I'll check in it. If it is confirmed then only I can give you the information about our employee.

Chirag thinks: Shit! Now I should do something and get the contacts of Nishant. He is my second Target.

He thinks on.

Receptionist: I cannot give you his details but one thing I can say.

Chirag: What is it?

Receptionist: Past 2 weeks Nishant is absent.

Chirag: Where he went?

Receptionist: We don't know, only boss knows.

Chirag nodded and went out of the office.

~In Cabin~

Anirudh is looking at Bondita's bangle with lots of confusion.

Anirudh: What is this Bondita? How this bangle went to Chirag's hand. This is your party wear and yesterday you went missing suddenly. What's happening around? Am I mad or you are making me mad?

He thinks on.

~In Apartment~

Sulochana is eating samosa peacefully, Mini enters her room.

Mini: Hey, budhu aurat! For what reason did I brought you here but you are doing here?

Sulochana: Heyy, naagin. Why you are shouting now? From the morning I was hungry now only that delivery boy delivered this. Wait, let me finish this samosa.

Mini: Do something and arrange the marriage for that Bondita and Anirudh. She should lose her powers before Guru purnima.

Sulochana: Literally you are asking me to do broker job? How am I looking like?

Mini: Come on, budhu aurat. If Bondita continues to be naagin then I am sure she will come to Takshak lok to save her mum and Arvind. Then our whole Empire along with nagmani will be destroyed.

Sulochana: No, please don't say like that. I can not see nagmani getting destroyed.

She acts like crying.

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