Kalindi triggers Bondita

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Situation goes wrong when political goons arrived at police station. Bondita tried to defend Anirudh but Anirudh asked her to leave.

On other hand Chandini and Sulochana are in hospital.

Chirag is still in ICU.

Sulochana: Kali nagin, first of all clear my doubts. Who is this Chirag? Why Bondita killed him? What's the connection between her and him?

Mini: He was the one who found her as a naagin for the first time. He joint hands with me to revenge her but I didn't gave him any tasks for the past few days and I am too confused now on why she murdered him suddenly.

They reached the ICU and looks at him via the round space of the door.

Sulochana: I think he won't survive. Damages are high.

Mini: I too think the same.

Some political goons over there confronts them.

Goon: Who you are all?

Mini: Huh, we.. we are his friends.

Goon: Our Neta told not to allow anyone to visit him.

Mini: We are his best friends. We know him very well.

Sulochana: Hn, look at my dost, who made him like this?

She starts to cry fakely.

Goon: Theek hain, theek hain, don't cry. We are also so sad. Some of our party members went to police station to revenge our enemy. Don't worry, they will come with his body.

Sulochana: Whose body?

Goon: That business man ARC's body!

Both are shocked.

Goon: Ok, you both stay here and look after the surroundings. Don't allow anyone inside. I'll come back in few minutes.

He said and went.

Sulochana: Yeh kya hain, Mini? If we plan onething then something is happening. What if they really kill Anirudh? Then Bondita's anger will hit the roof top then think about our lives. Oh god, it's so scary.

Mini: Shut up! Why you are imagining too much?

Sulochana: Now what's your plan?

Mini: Wait, I am not an idea machine to plan something everytime. Give me some time to think.

Sulochana whispered: Shit, just for that nagmani sake what and all I have to tolerate!

Mini: Then please you itself get out from the agreement. Let me take the full beneficiary of Nagmani.

Sulochana: Oh you heard uh? Actually.. I was...

She gave a fake wide smile.

~In temple~

Bondita is weeping aloud. Guruji and Kalindi are standing by.

Bondita: What have I did today? I did a big sin. I did a big sin, saasu maa!

Kalindi: This is what I feared of. Now see because your adamant what and all happened. You ruined everything, Bondita. You totally out of your mission now. You could have thought for a while before killing him.

Guruji: Stop yelling her. This is not her mistake. This is her dharm. She is on right path only. And mistakes happen sometimes and I hope she will fix it soon.

Bondita: How will I fix it? Sakha babu is in jail. His pride, reputation, fame everything was ruined within an hour. Everything is because of me.

She cries.

Guruji: See, Bondita. Remember one thing, if you want something then you should loose onething. Fame, reputation, pride can be earned at anytime. And it is very easy for Anirudh. Think about your mission now, you killed an important pawn of Saudamini. Now you have only two of them.

Kalindi: I am worrying about my son but you both are only cared about Sumati, right? Your only aim is to revenge, kill and murder right? It's my mistake I accepted to help you, Bondita. I left Takshak lok just because they were fighting with each other and same is happening now. Sesha naag and Takshak naag are fighting but indirectly.

Bondita: Saasu ma, I am sorry! I am sorry!

She cries aloud.

Kalindi: Can your tears bring my son out of the jail? Bondita, think befor you leap. I warned you several times, I asked you to maintain patience but you didn't. And the result now is very awesome. For this only you have waited these many days right?

Bondita: Sasu ma, why you are speaking like this? I really meant to revenge Chirag because of misdeeds nothing other than else. What you are thinking about?

Kalindi: I was keep on testing you these many days Bondita. And you failed ultimately today. Your revenge is not on Saudamini or Sulochana but just on Anirudh. Only Anirudh.

Bondita is shattered on hearing this.

Kalindi: You are revenging him for his past mistakes. Because of him only your marriage was ruined, your family was devasted. That's why you are revenging him indirectly in name of love. Your love is just a REVENGING LOVE, Bondita!

Bondita is deeply shocked. Kalindi turns away in rage.

Bondita: Sas.. what.. you...

She stumbles and faints down.

Guruji: Bondita!!!

Kalindi shockingly turned back.

Guruji: What have you did Rani maa? I thought you will be a support to Bondita. I thought you are really helping her. But today you broke her trusts and hope. You just made her heart broke down. Why?

Kalindi: Everything has a reason Guruji. But before please apologise me. This fierce is not enough for Bondita to achieve her mission. Only few more days to go for Guru Purnima. Within that she should enter Takshak lok or else it will be very tough to save her mum. That's why I triggered her now.

Guruji: Whaat?

Kalindi: Now she will work with full force. But promise me, guruji. You should tell about my fake anger on her.

Guruji nods yes.

~In Hospital~

Doctors arrives there.

Mini: Doctor, is he alive or not?

Doctor: Who are you?

Mini: I am his friend.

Doctor: We are still checking his health.

Mini: It means he is still alive?

Doctor: Not completely!

Mini: Oh!

She gave a fake smile. News is going on TV.

Flash news: ARC and his personal Secretary has been sent to Jail. Political goons has arrived at police station. Situation is getting worse. Goons are very firm that they will kill ARC at once if Chirag is dies. On other hand, police investigation is going on.

Sulochana and Mini looks at each other.

Doctor: Don't where this case will lead to.

He nodded and went in to treat Chirag.

Sulochana: Will they kill Anirudh?

Mini: Budhiya Aurat, a pakka idea hitted by mind!

Sulochana: What is it?

Mini: Wait and watch!

She smiled wickedly.

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️

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