Bondita learns the truth

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Anirudh tells Krishank and Bondita that they are going to stage to describe their painting.

However Bondita and Krishank are confused.

Bondita: Sir, this will not work. You only know about arts. You should go.

Anirudh: Look, is there business man going to stage to describe their own company's painting? Everyone's pa and secretary are doing it.

Bondita: Chirag and his dad went na?

Anirudh: I never consider them as businessmen. See, I have bought that painting from a very famous artist. Even if you both fail in describing it his art itself will speak to judge. So don't make me angry. Just go to stage when they call our company.

Bondita and Krishank looks at each other's face.

Anchor: Last painting is from "ARC company of Arts". Who is going to come for the description?

Bondita and Krishank stood hesitatingly.

Anirudh: All d best!

He smiled at them. Both walked to the stage with confusion.

The painting was covered with a small screen.

Bondita breathed in and out due to nervous. Krishank wears a fake smile on his face to hide is nervousness.

Bondita whispered: Krishank, what will we do now?

Krishank whispered: Let's handle it somehow.

Judge: Ok, now shall we see that painting? If it is covered then for sure it would be a rare collection.

Bondita is looking at Anirudh and crowd. While Krishank opened the screen of the painting.

Everyone whispered about it. Bondita looks at the painting.

Her world stopped for moment. Tears started to gather in her eyes.

It's the painting that depicts the scenario of them standing at the airport before 7 years.

The painting is drawn in such a way it showed their side faces only. In that painting Bondita is holding Anirudh's hand and asking him not to leave India.

No one could recognise them in that painting as it was their side faces only.

Tears rolling down from Bondita's eyes.

Krishank: Now what will we say about this?

He looks at Bondita crying.

Judge: What a beautiful scenario, can you both please describe it?

Krishank: Hn, yes it is a beautiful description.

Bondita searches for Anirudh, he is not presented there.

Krishank whispered: Say something, Bondita.

Bondita: This..this painting...this...

Krishank: Now why you are crying? We shall handle this. Look at the audience and say something.

Bondita: This painting is not just a painting. It's a real story.

Judges: Really story? Of that boy and girls?

Bondita nods no.

Judge: Then?

Bondita: It's a story of a boy alone. He.. he left India before 7 years just to sacrifice his love.

Krishank whispered: What you are blabbering?

Bondita: This boy, sacrificed his love to see her happy. She was engaged to his friend on knowing it he left India to forget her. In this picture, she is holding his hand just to stop him from going to London but... On that time too he didn't exposed his love to her by thinking that she is in love with his friend.

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