AniDita to enter the Haveli

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Chandini manipulates Bondita against Anirudh with her fake dramas.

Anirudh knocks the door. Chandini acts like she is afraid. So she hid behind Bondita.

Chandini: Save me, please save me from him.

Anirudh: Bondita, please open the door. Please!

Bondita opened the door and pretends normal. While Chandini smirked at them from behind.

Bondita: You want to say something, Sir?

Anirudh: Please come with me, I'll make you understand everything.

Bondita looked at Chandini and goes with Anirudh.

Anirudh took her to his room. While Chandini smiled wickedly.

Chandini: Bechara Anirudh! Bondita will never listen to you now. She will never believe you anymore. Now do whatever you want, go wherever you want.

~In Anirudh's room~

Anirudh explains that had happened in the cabin but Bondita is not in the state of believing him.

Anirudh: I did nothing, believe me.

Bondita: If you have any works related to office then call me. I thought you are going to speak about office works. I already told you not to explain your personals to me.

Anirudh: You didn't believe me yet, right?

Bondita: I believe you. Why not?

He looks at the time it's already 7 p.m.

Anirudh: We had planned to take the Haveli's documents right, come lets do it now. Tomorrow is our hearing.

Bondita stared at him.

Anirudh: For now, my priority is to get that Haveli back. Please, come with me.

He tries to hold her hand but Bondita restricted him.

Bondita: You want me to come with you right? I'll come with you.

She holds her tears and goes with him. Anirudh drives the car to haveli.

~In Haveli~

Bondita is emotional as she is going to enter the Haveli after so many years same with Anirudh too.

At the same time, she is deeply raged and broken because of Anirudh.

Anirudh: We can't enter the Haveli by front gate. That watchman will not allow us. And if someone look us then it will create some problems. Let's go through the back doors.

Bondita didn't spoke anything but followed him.

Anirudh reached the back door of the Haveli. It is also sealed.

Anirudh: Oh god! Now what will we do?

He tries to break the seal. Bondita is just standing beside him without any expressions in her face. She looked like a dead flower.

Anirudh managed somehow to break the seal and lock. He opened the door.

The Haveli is deep dark with spider webs here and there.

Anirudh recalls his past memories in the Haveli, he cries silently.

Bondita looks inside the Haveli, it's too dark.

She recalled the memories of Haveli decorated in lights and looks at the dark haveli. She recalls her past memories and cries.

Already she is broken and now this Haveli's memories.

Anirudh: Come, Bondita!

He stepped inside, Bondita followed him.

They couldn't see anything but they  felt each and every place.

Bondita was about to switch on the light but Anirudh stopped her.

Anirudh: Hey, what you are doing? This haveli is being closed since 7 years. Do you think it will have electricity? Don't touch any switches here, it may lead to short circuits.

He switched on his phone light. Bondita stares at him. Anirudh is unaware of the stories created by Chandini.

Anirudh thinks: I should pretend like i am new to this Haveli. I should ask Bondita to show me the way then only she will not doubt on me.

Bondita is looking at Trilochan's photo is hanging in the wall.

Anirudh: Bondita, can you please show me the way to documents room? You said me na, you are would be Bahu of this Haveli.

Bondita didn't respond him. Anirudh noticed her eyes filled with tears looking at Trilochan's photo.

Anirudh thinks: Atleast you can cry loudly, think about me. I am standing as a stranger in my own haveli.

He sheds tears. Bondita started to walk, Anirudh followed her.

She walked in and out of every room without speaking anything.

Anirudh thinks: I think she is highly emotional that's why she is not speaking. But whether she know the locker room or not? It's next to Kaka's room.

Bondita entered Anirudh's room. But Anirudh stopped outside itself. He couldn't control his tears anymore.

He turned back and cried silently.

Bondita switched on her phone's light and looked around the room.

Anirudh thinks: If he looks at the photos there then for sure she will find me. I should stop her.

Bondita was about open the cupboard there but Anirudh stopped.

Anirudh: Bondita, only few hours is left. We should go out soon.

Bondita came out of his room silently.

Anirudh thinks: This will not work. I only should do something and should take her to the locker room.

Bondita is walking silently. 

Anirudh: Are you really the would be Bahu of this Haveli? Why I am asking is you are behaving like a stranger here.

Bondita silently walked inside another room. Anirudh followed her.

It's very dark there. Only Anirudh's phone light is presented. 

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️

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