An emotional night!

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Anirudh and Bondita are in Haveli.

Now they are in the documents room.

Papers of Haveli are in locker.

Bondita knew that it is locked and she even knows the password but adamantly tries the wrong passwords.

Anirudh: I think it is locked. Stop trying or else it will get locked permanently.

She didn't listened him. Anirudh pulled her back.

Anirudh: Can't you hear me? If you try wrong passwords then it will be locked forever.

Bondita controls her anger.

Anirudh: Move this side, let me try it. We should get the papers anyhow.

Bondita relates the words of Chandini and Anirudh's behaviour.

Bondita thinks: She was right. To get this papers you will do anything. To win this case you will go to any extent. How cheap you are!

She pushed him aside and opened the locker. Anirudh wondered how she knew the password.

With extreme rage, she took the papers of Haveli and looked on.

Anirudh: Hn, this is! This is what I need, give it to me Bondita. You took it correctly.

Bondita threw the papers to his face with much shock to Anirudh.

Bondita: Take it! Take it, I said. Take all the papers that you want from here. For these papers only you did everything right? Now those papers are in front of you. Just take it!

She shouted. Anirudh is shocked and confused by hearing these words from her.

Bondita: Drama! Everything was a drama! Wow, you are a good dramatist.

She slapped him. Anirudh is just shattered.

Bondita holds his collars and started to shout.

Bondita: Why? Why did you cheated me? I believed you completely. You broke my trusts. You did everything intentionally. From joining me in your company to bringing me here is completely a plan.

She cries aloud.

Anirudh: What you are blabbering?

Bondita: Shut up! Don't speak even one word. I was trapped by your fake dramas. You did everything nicely to me just to get these papers. You wanted this Haveli that's why you behaved so well with me.

Anirudh is shocked.

Bondita: If you had asked me once then I would have showed the papers to you but you.... You broke my trusts, I am completely broken.

She weeps aloud.

Anirudh: Bondita, why you are speaking like this? Do you think that I did everything only for this papers?

Bondita leaves his collars and stepped back.

Bondita: If not only for papers then for what?

Anirudh: For what means what?

She stepped back from him with tears.

Bondita: I knew why you did these dramas.

Bondita removed her shawl and threw it aside which made Anirudh shocked.

Bondita: If not only for documents then for this also right?

Anirudh: Heyy!!

Bondita: You acted very genuinely for this only. Come take whatever you want, do whatever you want. No one is here to stop you. You got the documents and next you will do this only.

Anirudh controls his anger he understood very well that chandini has manipulated her wrongly.

Bondita: Why you are standing like a statue? No one is here to capture you and to put your photo in head lines. Chirag was right, according to you people PAs are meant for this only on off time.

She cried aloud.

Anirudh stepped forward. Bondita stepped backwards.

Finally, there is only a wall behind Bondita. She can't even escape from him.

She got pinned to the wall, Anirudh approached very closely.

Bondita nods no, Anirudh is now very close to her.

She closed her eyes tightly in fear and she cries.

Anirudh took the shawl which she threw away and covered her. Bondita opened her eyes slowly and looked at him. But he turned away and picked the documents which was on the ground

Anirudh: This is what you understood about me. Thank you so much! Thank you!

He picked up the documents and walked out with tears.

Bondita is confused.

Bondita: Wait...

She followed him.

They gets on to the car. Anirudh is broken by Bondita's words. While she is confused whether to believe him or Chandini.

Anirudh is crying all the way to home. Bondita looks on.

Sun Raha hai na tu
Roh Raha hun main
Sun Raha Hai na tu
Kyun roh Raha hun main?


They reached apartement.

Anirudh without saying anything went inside to his room and locked the door.

Bondita went to her room. Chandini is sleeping peacefully.

Bondita cries. On that side Anirudh too cries.

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️

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