Can Chirag achieve his plan?

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Chirag kidnaps Bondita using pungi sound. He took her to his house while Anirudh and Krishank are searching for her.

~In Chirag's house~

He opened the jar and let Bondita to come out.

Bondita takes her human form and feels difficult in breathing. She breathes in and out heavily.

Bondita: Wat... Water.. please give me some water..

Chirag gives her the water, she drinks it in a single gulp.

Chirag: Why Bondita suffering like this? I was speaking to you gently only na but now, see!

Bondita: Why you brought me here? It was my mistake, I left you alive on that day. But today I am sure, I will kill you.

She takes her naagin form but she is too weak as she was in jar for some minutes.

Chirag: Oh come on! Our ancestors are right, animals have only 5 sense but Bondita even though you are an animal you can think like a human. You know very well that you can't control me but I can control you.

He shows the pungi. Bondita looks at him silently.

Chirag: Did I asked you for your wealth? Nahi na! I just wanted you to speak with ARC regarding my deals. That's it, but your stubborness made me evil again.

Bondita: What you want? Why you are torturing us like this? You don't even have any personal vengeance with us earlier. But you are following us from that case. Why?

Chirag: Who said I don't have any personal vengeance?

Bondita looks at him with confusion.

Chirag: I have personal vengeance. On  ARC! Once upon a time Mehrotra company was on the throne. Every other business men were under our company but today our share market and stop market are decreasing just because of his company only. He is my enemy since when he was in London.

Bondita: What?

Chirag: Yes, I too was studying in his college only in London. On an art competition, i malpracticed and Anirudh exposed it to our chief head. They threw me out of the college as i tarnished their reputation. But using my dad's influence I went there again and I defeated Anirudh using influence and this is the starting point of our rivalry.

Bondita: So you know his real name right?

Chirag: Yes, but I don't why he is framing himself as ARC. To find this truth only I interfered in his case, I knew that he is the real owner. I thought he would reveal himself in court but didn't.

Bondita: Better live in suspense itself. Now, leave me.

Chirag: Uh oh, Bondita. To leave you easily only I took this much effort?

Bondita: What you want now?

Chirag: Business deal! I heard that one of the international company is going to invest in your biggest project. It's worth is 80 crores which is very huge for an art company. So I want this deal for our company.

Bondita: Go and speak with that international company then. If your company is really eligible then they will offer you that project instead of ARC's company.

Chirag: Hn!! That is the point here, you caught it right. You know very well my company is drowning in loss now, that international company will not accept us. But if Anirudh does a mischief then for sure the deal will come to our company. And for this, you only going to help.

Bondita: Whaat? What you are speaking about?

Chirag: Bondita, you should steal that deals paper from Anirudh's office. I will give it to the media. Then that international company will blame
Anirudh for exposing their plans to media without their permission then for sure Mehrotra company wil the get the deal.

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