Anirudh to save Bondita's honor

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After completing the party AniDita went back to their house.

Chandini: How was the party?

Anirudh: I went there for meeting not for party!

Chandini: Why you are always running behind work?

Anirudh: That's why I am successful.

He said and went to his room. Bondita goes to her room.

She recalls everything that had happened in the party. She recalls everyone addressing her as his wife and smiled.

With the same joy she went to bed but woke up suddenly after thinking that Anirudh's room is nasty.

She goes to Anirudh's room. There Anirudh is got stuck in his tight tshirt. He finds difficulty in removing it.

Bondita: What happened to you?

Anirudh: Bondita, are you here? Thank God, help me in removing my tshirt. I got stuck, I am finding difficulty in breathing.

Bondita: If it doesn't suits you then why did you wore it?

Anirudh: Oh come on, this is not the time to question me.

Bondita: Ok, ok. I will help you.

She goes near and tries to free him from that tshirt. But it's very tight.

Bondita: I think you became so fat!

Anirudh: Hn, after eating that sugary dhal only. Now please, help me.

Bondita: See, when I pull the tshirt you go back then only it will come out of you easily. Ok?

Anirudh: Hn!

Bondita with full force pulls the tshirt. It came out but without balance Anirudh fell on her.

She fell on the bed. She looks at him. He too.

Rishta Tera Mera! Rishta Tera Mera!
Rishta Tera Mera! Rishta Tera Mera!

Anirudh after few seconds, rose up and turned away with a blush. Bondita rose up in shy, kept his tshirt aside and went out of his room.

With this shyness itself they went to sleep.

~It's morning~

Anirudh is ready for his office. But Bondita didn't came out yet.

Anirudh: What happened to her?

He walks towards her room. But Bondita itself came out.

Anirudh is deeply stunned and surprised.

Because Bondita is wearing short skirt which covers upto her knee and a crop top. She is also wearing a heels. With free hair. It's first time for her to wear those things.

Anirudh turned away as he couldn't control himself.

Anirudh thinks: Anirudh, control da! Control!

He gulps his throat.

Bondita comes near him and asked him to turn back.

Anirudh think: No, da. No!!

Bondita: Please turn and look at me!

He turned and looked at her.

Anirudh thinks: Ufff!!

Bondita: Am I looking like a proper PA now? I know, I saw others PA wearing stylish wears. Even they are having stylish PAs then why not you? You are the king of share markets and you should have a pretty PA to walk along.

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