Meet Anirudh's new enemy!

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Anirudh bought Bondita's bangle back from the pawn shop and gave it to her to keep it safe for his art competition.

Bondita is looking at her bangle with lots of emotions.

Bondita thinks: Thank you, Sir. Knowing or without knowing you brought my bangle back. I don't know how to thank you.

Anirudh horns loudly. Bondita gets jerked.

Anirudh: I know that bangle is beautiful. We can admire at it after going home now come sit. I told you na I have important meeting.

Bondita was about to enter the car but Sait ji came there and gave her roshogulle.

Bondita: Roshogulle!!!

Sait ji: Sorry for the late. Sorry, ARC Sir.

Bondita: It's ok. We will even wait whole day to taste this roshogulle.

Anirudh: Whaat? Better you wait here whole day. I'll go. It's getting late for my meeting.

Bondita gets irritated and gets onto the car. Anirudh started drive.

Purposefully he drives rashly so that Bondita couldn't eat roshogulle.

Bondita: What's your problem now? Go slow!

Anirudh: Wow, Ms. Bondita. I am not your driver. Just before few hours you asked me to drive fastly but now you are scolding me.

Bondita: Sorry, Sir! Actually I was eating this roshogulle but due to high speed jeera poured down.

Anirudh: Then tell me that you spoilt my car!

Bondita: No Sir, actually...

Anirudh: Yes Mam, actually you did.

Bondita turned away in anger. Anirudh blushed but hides it.

They reached Anirudh's apartment. Even though it is rented one, it looked lavish.

Anirudh enters the house. But Bondita stands in the entrance itself.

He turned and looked at her. Bondita feels hesitated to go in.

Anirudh: You want someone to take aarti for you?

Bondita nods no.

Anirudh: Then what, come in.

She entered his apartment. Anirudh looks at her without even blinking.

She looked around the Apartment and wondered.

Bondita: It's very beautiful!

Anirudh: Thank you!

Bondita: Not your apartment. I am saying about that Shiv ji and Durga maa Idol!

She ran towards it and looked at those. Anirudh is admiring her from standing a bit behind her.

Bondita: I thought business men do not worship. I thought they don't even know about God. But I am wrong. You too have faith in God?

Anirudh: Why not?

Bondita reminiscence Haveli. Because it too had the same Idols in it.

Anirudh: Bondita, your room is in upstairs. First room to the left!

Bondita came back and took her luggages.

Anirudh gets an important call. He attends it. Meanwhile Bondita took her luggages to the room which was shown by Anirudh.

Bondita opened the doors and was surprised and stunned to look inside.

Anirudh has already bought dresses for her. One moving hangers full of sarees, another one with chudithars, another one with lehengas.

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