Be silly for sometime

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Bondita realised her mistakes and wanted to ask sorry to Anirudh. So she decided to go with him to Pune.

~On the way~

Bondita: Why you are not saying anything? Can't we be friends?

Anirudh: Oh god! What is your problem now?

Bondita thinks: I know you are angry with me. And I am the reason for it. I will tolerate it even if you beat me. Because I blamed you.

Anirudh slowly looks at her. Suddenly he gets a call.

Anirudh: Bondita, attend it.

She attended it and puts it in speaker. It's a girl.

Anirudh: Helo, who's this?

Girl: ARC, did you forgot me?

Anirudh: Oh you? Hansi!

Hansi: Yeah right, Thank God you remember me.

Bondita looks on.

Anirudh: Sweet heart, how can I forget you?

Bondita thinks: Sweet heart?

Hansi: I heard that you are coming to Shimla. To that art competition. Even though your are a big business tycoon your passion for art is still there.

Anirudh: It will always be there.

Hansi: Can I say you onething? You will be surprised.

Anirudh: Yeah!

Hansi: I am also in Shimla only.

Anirudh: Really? Wow!

Bondita gets possessed.

Hansi: I will message you my address. You can stay here in my house itself.

Anirudh: Sure honey, I will come to meet you.

Bondita thinks: Honey baney, stupid!

Anirudh looks at Bondita's possessed face.

Anirudh: Hansi, it's been many year we met. For sure, it will be a good meet up if we meet again.

Bondita cuts the call.

Anirudh: Arey, why did you cut it?

Bondita: Network error, what will I do?

Anirudh smiled.

They are now in highways. It's already night 9 p.m.

Bondita: Aaah, its very chill outside.

Anirudh: Close the windows then.

Bondita: No, actually I love these kind of trip. Chill breeze, long drive.

Her eyes filled with tears.

Bondita: Once upon a time, me and my maa used to go like this. Whenever we are mood off, we will go for a long drive.

Anirudh looks at her teary eyes.

Bondita thinks: I really miss those days, maa. I want to go like with you again. Where are you maa? Give me some clue, please. Show me the way to reach Takshak lok.

Anirudh stopped the car on seeing cycle tea shop.

Anirudh: Come lets have a tea. It will relieve you from cold.

Bondita smiled and got down from the car.

He got tea for both of them. Bondita enjoys it. It is just perfect to have got tea in cold climate.

Anirudh enjoys watching Bondita sipping her tea. While Bondita is lost in the taste of tea and cold climate.

Soon, snow started to fall.

Anirudh: Bondita, comes lets get into the car.

Bondita: Why? I love this snow. For the first time I am standing in snow fall.

Anirudh: Oh god, if you stand like this for few more minutes then for sure you will be in hospital.

Bondita: It's okay, but first let me enjoy this.

She stretched her hands and tries to catch the snows.

Anirudh: Bondita, we are going to Pune that too for a competition. If you get ill then everything will be spoiled. Come sit in the car.

He pulls her by holding her wrist.

Bondita: Why you are behaving like this? To other girls you speak honey, boney, sweet heart, bitter heart. But why you always scolding me?

Anirudh looks on.

Bondita: I know we should not get ill when we are in important occasion. But this snowy night will never come in our life again. Let's enjoy it.

Anirudh: Stop being silly, come get into the car.

Bondita: You stop being matured. For some time be silly too. Being mature everytime will make us to think a lot. It will even stop us from enjoying small small things.

Anirudh leaves her wrist.

Bondita: Come, enjoy with me. Stop being mature, become silly like me. Atleast for few minutes enjoy this snow.

She started to catch the snows. Anirudh is silently sighting at her.

She gathered some snows and threw it on Anirudh's face.

Anirudh: Heyy!!

She laughed and continued to catch the snow fall.

Anirudh: How dare you?

He too started catching snows and threw it on her.

Bondita in turn throws it on him.

Bondita: Look, how happy you are now.

She smiled. Anirudh too. They started to play in snow.

Rasmo ka mela yaha hai

Khel rahe hai saare,
Aaja shaamil ho isme zara
Thoda muskurare,
Mujhse yeh rishta jo,
Aa use saware…
Chal sayane se thoda na ada ban ja tu,
Chhod basera aasma tera…

Rishta Tera Mera! Rishta Tera Mera!
Rishta Tera Mera! Rishta Tera Mera!

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️

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