Sumati to save Anirudh

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Bondita begs Sumati to save Anirudh using her special medicine.

Trilochan: What is that medicine? Can it save my son? Can it bring my son alive? Please answer me. Please.

Sumati: Hn, hn ji.

Trilochan: Then please do it. Please do something and save him. Please!!! I beg...

Trilochan was about to join his hands before her but Sumati stopped him.

Sumati: I will try my best to save him. Don't worry Ji Saab, he will be alright.

Trilochan: But how? He is dead!

Sumati: Yeah, but if we took out the poison which is in his blood then there are some chances...

Bondita: Maa, stop wasting time. Please do something.

Sumati: Bondita, go bring my purse. Go soon. Ji Saab, I need your help. Come with me.

They entered the ICU. Trilochan removed Anirudh's shirt.

Sumati checks his blood condition whether it is clotted or not.

Sumati: Thank Shiv ji, blood is not clotted yet. There are many chances to make him awake. Ji Saab, why did he drunk poison? First of all from where did he get it?

Trilochan: I really do not have any answers for your question. I said you na, I spoke to him yesterday night. I was with him only. Nothing seemed suspicious in him. But today... Today morning I came up with this...

He started to cry.

Sumati: Where are others? Only you came here?

Trilochan: Hn, I told Arvind and others to come by car. How much time is left? When will Bondita arrive?

Sumati: Ji Saab, she will come soon. Don't worry. Rub his hands, legs and chest so that blood will not clot.

Trilochan does it. Meanwhile, Arvind, Sulochana and Mini arrives there. Tanya didn't came because she is deeply upset and her brother is taking care of her.

Arvind rushed to ICU. But Sulochana and Mini stepped back after seeing Sumati inside.

Mini: How did she came here now?

Sulochana: This is not the time to think that and all. Come lets go in.

Mini: Idiot, she will find us then. After finding that we are going to be her Samdaan then she will cancel the marriage. Then what about our plan?

Sulochana: Shut up! Today because of your foolishness you killed only heir of Roy Chaudhrys. Idiot, idiot, idiot you are!

Mini: Hey just shut up! He himself fell in my trap what will I do? I gave that milk to Arvind only.

Sulochana stares at her. By this time Bondita crosses them in hurry. She didn't noticed them.

Sulochana: Look there, our nagmani ki Chaavi is going.

Mini looks at them from standing far.

Mini: I thought they will arrange last rituals for Anirudh but it's cool

Sulochana: What?

Mini: Now see Sumati will heal him from poison. Only she can do it.

Sulochana: Really? Thank God, only good thing she is going to do for us is to make him alive.

Mini and Sulochana looks on.

Bondita entered the room and gave the mini jar which is size of our index finger.

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