Can Mini catch Bondita?

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Bondita and Arvind are on way to Takshak Lok.

Bondita is trying to switch on the recording of Saudamini's serpent voice as it is the key to open the gates of Takshak lok but phone is not working.

They are falling down from the top of the mountain as they missed the correct spot of the gates.

Arvind: We are going to die, Bondita.

He leaves Bondita's hand and screams on seeing the ground from that much height.

At once Bondita becomes a naagin and catches Arvind with her tails then they got landed with small injuries.

Bondita: Why did you left my hands?

Arvind: I was just scared. I told you na if we miss the correct spot then we may fall down.

Bondita: Ufff! Leave it, let's try again we have still 2.45 hrs.

Arvind nods yes and they again went to the top of the hills.

~On top~

Arvind: What happened to this phone suddenly? It worked correctly this meeting too.

Bondita: No problem, let's not give up.

She shows her right hand to him, he holds it tightly.

Bondita: Listen, if we miss the spot means also you don't get scared. Don't leave my hand. Fine?

Arvind: Hn!

They both again jumped from the mountain. Arvind is looking carefully for the correct spot.

Arvind: Bondita, on it.

Bondita plays the recording but it sucks again. They both fell down again with lite injuries.

Arvind: Oh god, why the hell is this not working now?

Bondita: Now what will we do? Long few more hours is there already we wasted 30 an hour in climbing and jumping.

Arvind calls Kalindi and informs about this.

Kalindi: Wait, let me also come there.

Arvind: Please come quick.

They hung the call. Bondita is upset.

~In apartment~

After a long, Krishank enters the apartment to meet Anirudh regarding the Chirag's case.

Krishank: Sir!!! Sir!!!

Sulochana and Mini looks at him from the balcony.

Mini: Now why did he came here?

Sulochana: Who is he?

Mini: He is Anirudh's PA. On that day only you saw him na, within that you forgot hn?

Sulochana: Ok, ok come lets go and enquire him.

Mini: No need. More than enquiring him i have lots of works.

Sulochana: Arey, kali nagin. Anirudh is not here what if he comes to our room by searching Anirudh?

Mini: Fine, you go and speak to him. I have lots of works.

She pushes Sulochana out and continued to do her works.

~Outside the room~

Sulochana enquires Krishank.

Krishank: Aunty, where is Anirudh sir?

Sulochana whispered: Who knows?

Krishank: What?

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