Feeling strange!

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Chandini a new lawyer for Haveli's case has arrived in ARC COMPANY OF ARTS.

Anirudh is speaking with her which makes Bondita to feel something strange.

~In Anirudh's cabin~

Chandini: So now, what I am saying is. Tomorrow is our first hearing. I know Chirag will end this case with his dad's influence but we are going to get stay order.

Anirudh: Cool, we should win this at any cost.

She smiled.

Anirudh: By the way, where you are staying?

Chandini: Actually, I am searching for a house. I am new to this state.

Anirudh: No worries, you can stay in my apartment until this case ends.

Chandini: Really? Aww, how sweet you are.

He gave a fake blush.

Anirudh: We will go together in evening, if you don't have any works!

Chandini: For now my work is your case only. Don't worry ARC, I will be waiting for you.

She smiled and went out. Bondita looks at her.

She entered Anirudh's cabin.

Anirudh: So, Ms. Bondita you have any important info for me?

Bondita: I scheduled your meetings for today.

Anirudh: Good, dictate it.

She started to read but Anirudh purposefully looks at Chandini. He pretends like he is sighting at her.

Bondita looked at him and stopped reading.

Anirudh: That's it for today?

Bondita: I am telling your schedules here but you? Listen me, Sir.

Anirudh: My ears are listening. You continue.

Bondita gets angry.

Bondita: I'll post this to your WhatsApp. Or else I will give this to that lawyer. She will read it for you.

She kept the schedule list in his table and tries to go out angrily.

Anirudh stopped her by holding her hand.

Anirudh: Why you are angry now?

Bondita: No, I am not angry. You leave my hands. It's paining.

Anirudh: Your lips are saying you are not angry but why I see it in your eyes? Are you jealous of her?

Bondita: Whaat? Why should I? Actually, leave my hand.

She tries to free herself from him. He left her hand.

His thumb made her wrist red. Bondita looks at it and was shocked.

She recalls silently about Anirudh doing this to her before 7 years.

Anirudh: Sorry! Without confusing yourself concentrate in your works alone.

Bondita walked out. Anirudh blushed.

Chandini is sighting at anirudh from her chair. And Bondita noticed it.

Bondita: I think she is not hear to do lawyer job. Wait, why should I get angry? As he said I should concentrate in my works only.

She continued her work.

Office time came to and end by 4 p.m

All the staffs went out. Now only Anirudh, Bondita and Chandini are there.

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