Artist Anirudh!

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Mini is just relieved after knowing that Arvind didn't opened the Nagin book.

Mini: I will ask my friend. As you said this book is very rare, I don't want to get into any problems.

Arvind: Okay, then. I thought you will help me. But it's fine.

He leaves the room.

Mini thinks: Thank god!

Arvind: Wait! Saudamini, i think you might have read this book. So you only have to help me now.

Mini thinks: What he wants from me now? Oh god, where this Sulochana went?

Arvind: Just give me only one information! Please! I will never disturb you again. I swear!

Mini: Ufff... Ask!

Arvind: Is Ichadhari nagin are real? Or it is conspiracy?

Mini looks at him without saying anything.

Arvind: If I get the answer then my whole article work will be completed.

Mini: Somethings are better to be unknown!

She sent him out and locked the door. Arvind looks at her weirdly.

It's night 11.30 pm.

Mini goes to kitchen and takes a milk.

Mini: Today you have found my half secrets. You got a doubt on me. So it is not safe for me to leave you alive. I don't want any of the humans to interrupt in my way to nagmani. Already it's been 125 years of waiting. I lived very sorrowful life because of that Sumati. But now, it's time for me. So better I kill you.

She mixes her poison in that milk.

Meanwhile Sulochana enters the kitchen with half asleep.

Sulochana: Hey pyari Kali nagin, you sensors are very high! How do you know that I am hunger now? So sweet of you, you made a milk for me. Now give it to me.

She goes near the glass.

Mini: Don't die after drinking it.

Sulochana: What?

Mini: I mixed my poison in it.

Sulochana: What the hell? If you have excess poison then throw it somewhere else why did you added it in my milk?

Mini: Idiot! Did I said that this milk is for you?

Sulochana: Then?

Mini: I am going to kill that Arvind!

Sulochana is shocked.

Sulochana: In half sleep, I heard something else. Repeat it again!

Mini: I am going to kill Arvind. He found my nagin book. I think he will disturb me in future too.

She goes from there but Sulochana stopped her.

Sulochana: Pagal nagin! Where is your brain? Did you shed off your brain too? He is going to be Bondita's husband. You are ruining our whole plan!

Mini: No matter what or who he is. We can get nagmani even without him. My safety is important. For sure, he will find by truths.

Sulochana: Shut up!

She got the milk and poured it in sink.

Sulochana: Come sleep now.

She drags her outside the kitchen but Mini goes with a wicked smile.

Because she saw Sulochana before itself via Fridge door. She exchanged the milk glass.

Now Sulochana poured pure only. Poisoned milk is in Mini's hand. She is hiding it back.

Sulochana: See mini, go to your room and take a nap. Let's speak tomorrow.

She went to her room and locked the door. Mini smirked.

Mini: Why should I hear you? In future if we got caught then you will escape by your dramas. But me? I don't want to face anything. After getting Nagmani, I will return to Takshak lok and will live my life with my love.

She blushed.

She went to Arvind's room.

Arvind: You??

Mini: Actually, I am sorry. I really hurted you with my words today.

Arvind: No, no. Not like that. I am not angry on you.

Mini: Sure?

Arvind: Hn!

Mini: Then accept this milk as my apology. I made this milk specially for you.

Arvind: Thank you. I'll drink it once it gets cool.

He got the milk from her. Mini turned away and gave a wicked smile.

Arvind kept that near his table and went for a Bath.

Mini: Bye bye Arvind! I don't know how Bondita will live without you.

She smirked and went away.

~In Anirudh's room~

Anirudh is trying to control his sleep. He really couldn't.

He really doesn't even know what he is drawing. He is half asleep.

Anirudh: Dey Anirudh, don't sleep.

He tried many ways to control his sleep.

Anirudh: Only some more part is left. If you draw groom's face then everything will be over. Stay up, Anirudh!

In half sleep itself he started to draw the Groom's face. He is drawing imaginary wedding scenario of Arvind and Bondita.

He drew Bondita in pure red saree, wearing golden designer blouse.

But before he could draw Arvind's face he is deep drowsy!

Anirudh: Okay, this will not work. Let me go for a walk then continue this work. Or else in sleep I will draw Monkey's face instead of Arvind's face. Imagine Monkey weds Bondita, yuck! That would not be nice. Then that Rakshasi will shout at me.

He got up and went to Arvind's room for a chit chat.

He noticed milk in the table.

Anirudh: Wow, drinking milk will give energy. That too Haldi milk!!

He went and took that glass in his hand.

Anirudh: Arvind... Can I drink this milk?

Arvind couldn't hear him as he is under the shower. Anirudh shouted again.

Arvind: Hnnn, Anirudh. I can hear you, why you are shouting like this in this mid night?

Anirudh: Can I take this milk?

Arvind: Hn sure! In fact, I was about to pour it somewhere. Now it will be good if you pour it in your mouth. Take it da!

Anirudh took that milk and drank it fully in a single gulp.

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about!❤️

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