Night mare - a clue?

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Bondita is struggling to sleep as she is in her nightmare.

~Her dream~

Bondita finds herself in a forest where she walks deeply in order to find a way to get rid off but accidently goes deeper where she finds a big temple.

She wondered as well as scared to look that temple as it is situated in mid of the forest where no people would come.

She raised many questions to herself on seeing that temple.

Who built a temple here? Do people come here to worship? But It seem like no one knows about this temple. First of all, where am I?

She is too scared and decides to step back from there but suddenly she hears a screams coming outside from the temple.

"Bondita, come save us. We are waiting for you only".

"Bondita, only you can save us, don't step back. Come inside, come inside Bondita".

"We are trapped here since 8 years. Why didn't you came here before to look for us?".

Bondita is scared to hear these voice. Because those are of Trilochan, Bihari, Arvind and Binoy. Her heart wanted to proceed but her mind stopped her.

She is standing very near to that temple but thinking deeply whether to enter it or not.

By this time, with much to her shock she hears her mom's voice.

"Bondita, please don't come here go back. Please, I have struggled a lot to save your life so don't come here".

"Aaah , don't kill me. Bondita, they are killing me, Bondita, they are going to stab me, aaah".

~Dream ends~

Bondita wakes up with a scream.

Bondita: Please, leave them. Whoever inside the temple, please don't kill them. Please!!

She screamed. By hearing her voice Anirudh rushed into her room.

Anirudh: Bondita!!

He ran near her, Bondita is rolling here and there by murmuring. She was about to fall down but as usually Anirudh caught her.

Anirudh: Bondita, are you okay? Open your eyes, look at me.

Bondita murmurs: Please don't kill them. Take my life, please don't. Maa, go away from them. Arvind, please run.

Anirudh is shocked to hear these names from her. He understood that she was in nightmare about them only.

He splashed water on her face to bring her to the reality.

Bondita opened her eyes and looked around silently

Anirudh: Are you okay?

She hugged him in fear. Anirudh is speechless.

Bondita: Please ask them not kill anyone, please. Please stop them from killing my family.

Anirudh is confused. Soon Bondita fainted.

He is scared and made her to lie on the bed.

Anirudh: Bondita, wake up. Bondita, look at me.

He splashed water again and again on her face. She opened her eyes after few seconds.

Anirudh: Here, look at me. Are you fine?

Bondita realised that she was in night mare.

Anirudh: Please say something, what happened to you?

Bondita drinks water and gets relaxed. Anirudh is sitting near her.

She started to shed tears. Anirudh looks on.

Bondita: 8 years, its been 8 years Sir. I lost my family in that tragedy.

Anirudh remains silent.

Bondita: It was my wedding day, everyone were happy especially my mum. Everything went good until those hunters entered the mandap. Yeah, our Haveli was near to the forest. I was ready to get married with my fiance Arvind. Before marriage, my maa asked me to go to Shiv ji temple. I too did it but when I returned I could see only blood river flowing in that mandap.

She sheds tears. Anirudh now only learnt what had happened. His eyes filled with tears. But what to do he can't cry loud like Bondita.

Bondita: Everything happened with an hour. I don't know from where the hunters came suddenly. I don't know what made them to kill my innocent family. I don't even know what had happened exactly. These information i got from the guest who were gathered there.

Anirudh: What? When everyone is dead how did that guest alone survived?

Bondita suddenly turned to him.

Anirudh: Where is the logic here? How did that guest alone survived?

Bondita: I was already in a pain I lost all my family members. In that time how can I think logics and all?

She cries.

Anirudh: Is everyone dead?

Bondita nods yes but tells no.

Bondita: I am alive, my cousin brother is also alive but I don't know where he is and ...

Anirudh: And?

He understood that she is thinking about him only.

Bondita: That's all!

Anirudh: Really? Think twice, if someone is still alive then we shall find the truth behind their death.

Bondita: Yeah, still one is alive but no use. He is in London. He went before 7 years but still no information about him. Sir, you know one thing, the Haveli which I am speaking about is the Haveli for which you and Chirag are fighting for.

She cries. Anirudh is silent as he couldn't do anything.

Anirudh: Don't worry, Bondita. Everything will be alright soon.

Bondita: But sir, I don't know why I am getting this dream again and again. Whenever it is a full purnima day, I am getting this dream. I have noticed it many times.

Anirudh: You are deeply shattered by this. That's why. Don't worry, you sleep.

He made her to sleep and covered her with bedsheet.

Later, he goes to his room.

Bondita thinks: Why you are concerned about me this much? Now days I feel something different whenever you are near me. I know, you don't belong to me but it feels like I belong to you. Why?

She slept.

~In Anirudh's room~

Anirudh is crying silently after hearing those things from Bondita. He couldn't even cry loud.

Anirudh: Bondita, on losing your mum itself your crying this much but me? I lost whole of my family.

He cries deeply.

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about!❤️

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