Will this engagement happen?

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Function has started grandly with Band baja!

Groom Bride is ready for their special day.

Dancers started their performance. They were hired by Varun.

Dancers danced for the song, "Humma Humma" from Ok Jaanu.

Soon they pulled in Bondita and Arvind to dance.

Bondita felt shy but Arvind danced.

Sulochana is also dancing in upstairs. Not a complete dance but a small body movements.

Sumati found them standing in balcony. Mini too saw her.

Both were looking at each other. It looked like two queens of rival nation looking at each other in the war.

Mini thinks: After seeing me also how she is calm? Why she is letting this marriage happen?

Sumati thinks: This is my daughter's special day. I don't want to bring my rival in this. Let it be, first of all this engagement should be done without any problems. Let them stand there itself that's what I need.

Mini stopped Sulochana who is giving movements for the song and sighed her to look at Sumati.

This time Sumati is busy looking in the dance. By this time, Bondita's friend have also arrived there.

Bondita is too excited to see them there. They went and hugged Bondita.

Bondita: I thought you will not come.

Khushi: This is our friend's engagement. How can be absent here?

Janvi: Who dare to be absent in their friend's engagement? It will be considered as a sin. Friendship is the most precious and blessed relationship in the world. Even Shiv ji don't have friends.

Bondita: If someone is absent for his best friend's engagement then or went missing, then?

Khushi: Then what, it means he/she is not intersted in that engagement. Something big than friendship is stopping him/her from attending. But who is absent here? Everyone are present.

Bondita becomes silent. Khushi and Jhanvi didn't mind it more so they went to dance.

They both dedicated their dance to Bondita.

They danced for the song, "Tukur Tukur".

They hall is completely covered by the crowd of guests and dancers.

So Arvind went aside and tried calling Anirudh.

Arvind: Anirudh where are you pick up the call.

The number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable!

Arvind: Oh god, from morning his phone is dead. Where he went? Why he went? Is he alright?

By looking at these Sulochana's smile reduced for a while. She stopped dancing and looked at Sumati deeply.

Sulochana: Kali naagin, why my mind started to ask me a weird questions?

Mini: Stopped your dance?

Sulochana: Kali naagin, I will say something but you should not get anger.

Mini looked at her with eye's corner.

Sulochana: Why I feel like we are going to be trapped? Why Sumati is allowing this marriage to be happen even after knowing that we are going to be her Samdaan? What if Bondita is already a Naagin? What if Sumati is doing this to revenge us?

Mini is speechless after hearing these.

Sulochana: Suddenly my mind is asking these questions, Mini.

AniDita - Revenging LoveWhere stories live. Discover now