Takshak Queen

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Bondita is surprised as well as confused to see a secret room behind the big portrait of Trilochan.

She opened the door and entered inside.

Bondita: Wooow! This much luxurious room behind a underground path?

She looks around itseem like no one is there.

Bondita thinks: Guruji, was right. Haveli is so mysterious. Who built this room, to whom they built this room?

She walks slowly around the room to check whether anyone is there.

Bondita: Is there anyone? Can I see you?

She is scared but eager.

Bondita: Why they built this room here? This room is behind Kaka sasurji's portrait. Is this Kaka sasurji's secret room?

She looks a mini cupboard there, so she went near it to open it.

~In Apartment~

Anirudh is in rage with Bondita on listening to Chandini's stories. He furiously went to her room and checked her stuffs.

Chandini: Anirudh, what you are doing? Are you mad? Why you are throwing her stuffs down?

Anirudh: Don't stop me, I am looking for a proof.

Chandini: What proof?

Anirudh: You told me na she is an Ichadhari naagin, that's why I am searching for proofs.

Chandini: Oh god! Do you think she will be so lethargic to leave clues here? Even though animals have only 5 senses they are clever than us. First of all stop throwing her stuffs down.

Anirudh angrily sits on the bed and breathes in and out.

~In Haveli~

Bondita was about to open the cupboard but a woman from behind was about beat with wooden log but Bondita's naagin sense found it. She escaped from her and was shocked to see that woman.

That woman looked very lean, wearing torn saree and she is of middle aged.

Bondita: Who are you?

Woman again goes to beat Bondita but Bondita stopped her using her tail.

Woman: Ichadhari naagin?

Bondita's face reaction changed.

Woman: Are you an Ichadhari naagin? You belong or Takshak clan or Sesha clan?

Bondita is shocked to hear these from her.

Woman: Tell me, first of all apologise me. I mistook you and I was about you harm you.

Bondita: May I please know about you? Who are you? What you are doing here? You belong to Roy Chaudhary? But why you are living here secretly?

That woman remains silent.

Bondita: I think you know about Takshak lok and Sesha lok that's why you asked me that question, hn na?

Woman: Yes, I knew about it.

Bondita: Really? Then tell me about yourself. You too a naagin? You know the way for Sesha lok and Takshak lok?

Woman closed her eyes and reminiscence something. Tears rolls down from her eyes.

Bondita: What happened to you? Did I asked something wrong? Did I hurt you? Then please apologise me.

Woman: No, you didn't hurt me. Your doubts are right. I don't belong to Roy Chaudhary but I have a inseperable connection with this family.

Bondita looks at with confused face. That woman started to tell her flash back.

~Flash back~

That woman name is Kalindi, she was the queen of Takshak Lok once upon a time. She always wanted peace between two clans but her husband and son confronted her. Her husband is none other but Takshak Lok King and her son is none other than Veer.

She hated her life as it was a forceful marriage and her husband was too rude with her so she decided to leave Naag lok and reached earth. For few years she lived inside the forest which is near the Haveli.

One day, Trilochan who was the first heir of Roy Chaudhary went to forest in search of his pet dog where he found Kalindi lying unconsciously. He took him to the Haveli and treated her. Later it made both of them to fall in love.

However, Trilochan's father who was a Zamindar on that time didn't liked their relationship as he thought that the girl would be a poor one.

After her treatment, Trilochan's father ordered him to send her out. Trilochan did not have heart to do that so he created a underground path and secret room inside the Haveli and placed his big portrait infront of it. Only Trilochan knew it.

He asked Kalindi to stay in and promised her that he would meet her atleast once in day by providing all her needs. Days went smoothly until Zamindar arranged a marriage for Trilochan. Trilochan rejected it and informed about it to Kalindi.

On Guru Purnima Night, Trilochan and Kalindi consummates their relationship thinking that thereafter no one could seperate them. But everything changed upside down, Zamindar urges Trilochan to get married and he even announced it to the people.

Kalindi knew very well that their family had great respect from people and they always live with pride. So inorder to save their pride and Trilochan's honors she asked him to get married. Trilochan accepted it half heartedly.

After few days, Kalindi finds herself pregnant with Trilochan's baby, she informed it to Trilochan. He stopped his marriage by telling some of the silly reasons and continued to look after Kalindi secretly.

After 3 months, Kalindi gives birth to a baby boy. As she could not raise him in that secret room, she hands over him to Trilochan and asked him leave that baby in a temple. But Trilochan decided not to leave that baby.

So he took it to Binoy and his wife and gave him to them by telling that he found that baby amidst of the river. As they were suffering from many miscarriages they accepted that baby.

Trilochan used to update about that baby to Kalindi whenever he visited her.

On naming ceremony, they named that baby as Anirudh which was chosen by Kalindi secretly.

Days went, Trilochan gradually stopped going to that secret room as he was forcefully married to another girl.

Kalindi sacrificed her love for Trilochan's pride and decides to leave Haveli but promised him that she would come to that secret room every night just to see him.

~Flash back ends~

Bondita is deeply shattered to know her flash back and also another stunning news is Anirudh is not Binoy's son but Trilochan's.

Kalindi: It's been 7 years. I don't why Trilochan didn't came here to meet me. Do you know anything about him?

Bondita hugged her and cries. Kalindi is confused.

Bondita: Maa, everyone are dead.

Kalindi is shattered to hear it. Bondita explained everything to her.

Bondita: Don't worry maa, I am going to revenge Saudamini for this. I will revenge each and everyone who is involved in this.  Maa, I was searching for you only. Will you please help me to find my mother? Please!!

Kalindi thinks on.

Bondita: Only you can help me to find the way to Takshak lok, please don't say no.

Kalindi: Ok, but one condition.

Bondita: Whatever it may be, I'll do it.

Kalindi: You should take me to my son. I saw him when was born after that I don't even know how he looks like. Can you do this for me?

Bondita accepted her deal inturn Kalindi promised her that she will take her to Takshak Lok.

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️

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