Arvind breaks the truth

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Bondita and Arvind are in Haveli. They did this according to their plans.

~In Apartment~

Anirudh is thinking about Bondita's choice of selecting Arvind over him.

Krishank: Sir, I am leaving to my home.

Anirudh didn't respond.

Krishank: Sir!!

Anirudh: Hn, hn Krishank.

Krishank: I said I am going to my home. I will meet you tomorrow. Are we going to open the office again? Already our employees are scared. Our share market is down. Now what we are going to do?

Anirudh: Already office was down for 3 days so let's not waste our time. From tomorrow office will work regularly. Inform our employees.

Krishank: Sure sir and this share market....

Anirudh: I will look after it. You don't worry.

Krishank: Yes sir. See you tomorrow in office then.

Anirudh nodded. Krishank went.

~In Haveli~

Arvind switched on the lights.

Bondita: Who paid the bill?

Arvind: I only! This is going to be our planning office.

Bondita: What?

Arvind: Planning office, Bondita! Here only we are going to plot against that Saudamini and Sulochana.

Bondita: Arvind, day after tomorrow is Guru Purnima. I should save my mother tomorrow itself. Time is too low, I don't know what to do.

Arvind: You don't know means? Don't you have any plan?

Bondita nods no.

Arvind: Then how will you save your mother Bondita?

Bondita: First of all tell me onething. How is my mother there? Is she fine? Did Saudamini tortured her? Is she working as a slave? How is she?

Arvind: I don't know about it. Actually  Saudamini kept us in seperate jails. Your Sesha naag clan is really going through a hell daily. She treats them very cruely. I am sure she must be torturing Sumati maa too. Because her complete rage is on her only na?

Bondita worries.

Arvind: I think Sumati maa will be in underground prison. Saudamini used to give me food once in a day only so Sumati maa also going through it i think so.

Bondita: Everything is because of me. Everything is my mistake. If hadn't went to temple on that night then I would have saved you all. It's my mistake only.

She hits herself and cries.

Arvind: Bondita!! Stop hurting yourself. You don't know what happened on that day night. You think you are the reason? No!

Bondita looks at him with confusion.

Arvind: I am the main reason for this situation.

She is shocked.

Arvind: Before you know Saudamini as naagin I found her. I tried many times to tell about this to Anirudh and kaka but I couldn't. Before 7 years on Guru Purnima day I went to Shiva temple after learning that many nag and nagins will come there to do special puja. I thought I could get something useful for my research. There I saw your maa.

Bondita: You knew my maa before itself?

Arvind: No, I thought she was a random bhakta. But before 3 days of our marriage day I accidentally heard the conversation of Saudamini and Sulochana speaking about Sumati maa. That day I came to know that your maa was also a naagin.

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