Bondita's plan in vain?

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It's a beautiful morning because it's an excursion day for Bondita.

She wore her favourite red chudithar. She chose to be in free hair.

Bondita thinks: Shiv ji, you only have to help me. Until this excursion gets over maa should not find out truths. Please shiv ji, please.

She turns around and was shocked to see Sumathi there.

Sumathi gives a warm smile.

Bondita: Maa, you here?

Sumathi: Why so excited Bondita?

Bondita: Maa, I... I told you na about that special classes in college.

Sumathi stares at her. Bondita started to sweat.

Bondita: Maa, it's getting late. Let me go now. I'll eat breakfast in canteen itself.

She gave a fake smile and went out of the room and tries to open the door. But it's locked.

Bondita: Why this door is not opening?

She tried hard to open it.

Sumathi: Beta, it's locked. Can't you see?

Bondita: Why maa you locked it?

Sumathi: You don't need to go anywhere.

Bondita is shocked.

Sumathi: Today is Purnima, actually I forgot it yesterday that's why I gave you permission. But after knowing this do you think I will send you out?

Bondita: Maa but i have to go. How can I miss my attendence?

Sumati: No problem, i will speak to your professor.

Bondita: No! No! Ah, i mean, this early they won't pick student's call. Why to disturb them?

Sumathi: Fine, then don't inform them. Take leave.

Bondita: Maa, i can't take leave it's an important special class.

Sumathi: Nothing is important than you my dear.

Bondita gets frustrated. Already it's getting late.

Sumati: I made rotis and dhal. Eat and take rest.

Bondita: Maa, please! I beg you. Leave me out. I can't miss the classes. Please ma.

Sumathi: Bondita, what's wrong with you today? Every purnima i do this only. On those days you will be keeping quite but today?

Bondita blinks.

Sumathi: Stay quite and stay home baby.

Bondita gets angry and went inside her room.

On other side Anirudh, Arvind are all set to go to college.

Anirudh speaks to Arvind via signal. Trilochan notices it.

Trilochan: Anirudh, ask me directly. What you want?

Anirudh: Kaka... Ab..ah..

Trilochan: What you want?

Anirudh: We are going to excursion in college. So I need... Some... Money.

Trilochan: Excursan? Arey beta, your aunt has arrived here but you are going to excursan?

Anirudh: Kaka, actually it's mandatory for all students.

Trilochan: This generation knows nothing other than spending money on waste things like gaams, Excursan....

He gives Anirudh 5000 rupees. Anirudh got it with a warm smile.

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